With the important changes and growth that has turned our entire Andean Community into the issue of Industrial and Commercial Refrigeration for the processes of Sustainability, Efficiency and Conservation of the Cold Chain we are presenting a very complete agenda in terms of academic programming.
For this reason the organizers of this 7th congress are bringing together all the technicians, maintenance managers and other SPEAKERS of INTERNATIONAL and NATIONAL stature. Their extensive experience, experience and the diversified category of their projects in Latin America makes them "creditors" of being able to enter our complete grid of conferences for all the staff that has been demanding quality every year in the contents and thematic axes, in the training auditoriums.
Some of the speakers are:
Name: Eng. Roberto Ricardo Aguiló
Position: President of the Argentine Cold Association
Country: Argentina.Engineer Aguiló was a member of the ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditionating Engineers, he is currently a member of the ASHRAE Handbook Committee. He also holds the position of Assistant Regional Director (ARC) and is a distinguished speaker of this Institution. He has been a consultant in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems and Installations since June 1985. It has more than 260 Projects carried out and executed in the area of Supermarkets for the main chains of the country and some abroad and food processing plants and distribution centers in several countries.
Name: Eng. William Morales
Position: General Manager. Thermodynamics RETER EIRL
Country: Peru.The engineer Morales has a degree in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, is a Technician in Industrial Electricity, Rewinding of Electric Motors, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. He has taught at the Federico Villareal National University in refrigeration and electricity, National University of Engineering UNI in the Faculty of Mechanics in refrigeration and air conditioning. His courses as An Exhibitor have dealt with topics such as: Domestic Refrigeration, Commercial Refrigeration, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Calculation and Design Courses in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Machines, Project Development and New Technologies in Refrigeration, Refrigeration in Agribusiness, Advanced Course on Ammonia, among others. Name: Eng. Florentino Torres Meneses
Position: TMConsultants - Manager
Country: Colombia.Engineer Torres is an industrial engineer from the University of Santander (UIS), a specialist in business management, has 12 years of experience in the poultry sector in the management of poultry processing plants and cold meats. He has a specialization from the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga as a Specialist in Business Management. He has studied at Texas A&M University. Course on technological update in Refrigeration Food & Beverage at Johnson Controls - York. Industrial Refrigeration Course at SENA/Bucaramanga.
Name: Eng. Juan Paulo Hernández
Position: Technical Sales Representative - Fluorochemicals. Dupont de Colombia S.A.
Country: ColombiaEngineer Hernández is a professional for 11 continuous years in important companies in the industrial and commercial sector. Professional in Mechanical Engineering from the Universidad de los Andes with specialization in economics, graduated from the same University. He currently serves as a Sales Representative for the Fluorochemicals area, responsible for dissemination and technical advice. Responsible for the commercialization in the country of all the products of the line which include refrigerant gases, propellant gases, foaming gases.
You can see all the academic programming and the other experienced Speakers on this page, remember that with your training you are improving your professional and work level.