Colombia. RefriAméricas 2015, the international expocongress for the refrigeration and air conditioning sector, is pleased to announce the incorporation of the company Samsung Electronics as a PLATINUM Sponsor of the event.
The expocongreso, which will take place between June 4 and 5 at the Hotel El Panama in Panama City, will have a large commercial exhibition and an academic component of 23 conferences divided into two rooms: one of air conditioning and another of refrigeration.
"For Refriamericas and Air Conditioning it is satisfying to have the support and sponsorship of Samsung Electronics Latin America. This represents for the event and the organization in general a high degree of commitment and joint construction," said Fabio Giraldo, project manager of the congress.
"Samsung, in addition, will provide us during the fair an important accompaniment in the processes of formation and training, which will offer our attendees to the academic congress an excellent level, all in order to improve the knowledge of each participant," added the representative of RefriAméricas.
Also, Samsung Electronics confirmed that it will have a stand at the commercial exhibition of the event.
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