Colombia. This year REFRIAMÉRICAS brings 14 Conferences in which current issues and enormous relevance for members of the industrial and commercial refrigeration industries of the Andean region will be touched.
The 2012 academic program will have the endorsement of the Pontifical Bolivarian University (UPB), as well as the support of the Panamanian Association of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (APAYRE), the Argentine Cold Association (AAFRIO), and the International Refrigeration Institute (IIR), based in Paris, France.
This year's conferences were elaborated framed in the themes suggested by the attendees of previous years, and taking as a reference the current needs of the sector at the regional level, there was also a group of experts, who were part of the Academic Committee and endorsed each of the talks.
Special emphasis was placed on the themes of new refrigerants, as well as the implementation of alternative products. It was also a priority to introduce issues prone to energy saving, environmental care, and new cooling alternatives.
In the same way, a specific plan of topics framed in specific segments such as the refrigeration sector, large surfaces and / or supermarkets, retrofit, equipment construction and maintenance of the same, and introduction to new automation and management technologies was elaborated.
REFRIAMÉRICAS, which for the second consecutive year will take place at the Plaza Mayor Convention Center in Medellín, Colombia, on June 21 and 22, 2012.
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