Pressure reducing valve (PRV) stations combine the functional benefits of individual Victaulic products into one fully assembled, ready-to-install device. The Victaulic 386 Series GRP station combines the time savings and reliability of a slotted pipe system with the high-performance function of a Bermad control valve.
The unit eliminates the need to handle loose pipes and components in the workplace: nothing is lost or improperly installed, reducing risk and labor costs. It is designed to fit in a closet and is capable of handling pressures up to 300 psi / 2,068 kPa / 21 bar.
It is available in four standard configurations (386A-V Series, 386B-V Series, 386C-V Series and 386D-V Series), uses Victaulic slotted pipe joints and connects to the rest of the system with just two couplings.
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