Air purifier
The Brazilian company offers air purifier that serves to treat oil refrigerators generated in machines such as lathes and strawberries; of mechanical conformation such as rolling machines, outlets and equipment in furnaces for heat treatments. It is used in commercial industries such as purification of outlets in fast food kitchens in general, purification of gases from large cookers and grills, gases in industrial kitchens, discharge of engines that generate electricity and in the sanitization of rooms. It is also used in the purification of surgery rooms and burn treatment rooms or in hospitals in general.
Purifiers are a filtration set with ionized fabric attached to collecting plates that release a reduced amount of ozone. Their limbs are rounded to decrease the concentration of high tension. The durability of the system is guaranteed by the quality of the material used. Tuma filters have between 93 and 99% efficiency and a very low noise level.