The On-Demand Kitchen Ventilation System for Professional Kitchens offers an innovative solution to reduce the energy consumption and emissions of professional cookers through intelligent ventilation control.
It is important to keep in mind that professional kitchens require ventilation systems, which can require large amounts of energy to operate. The solution automatically controls the speed of extraction and supply of fans in commercial kitchens, reducing energy costs and GHG emissions while improving staff comfort.
This system reduces on average from 30 to 50% the volume of unnecessary airflow compared to the conventional alternative. Consequently, it reduces between 30 and 50% the CO2 emissions related to the treatment of the replacement air and reduces on average from 65 to 75% the electrical consumption of the fan motor.
Also, the solution has a cost-effective effect with an average of 40 to 60% in energy consumption compared to the conventional alternative and presents a typical recovery period ranging from 1.5 to 3 years.
The company is looking for representatives for distribution in Latin America.
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