Posted on December 3, 2010

Source: GOBCANTABRIA/Javier Cotera
The floating technology will be mature in less than 5 years, with complete full-scale prototypes without control problems, or oscillations, and without forgetting its installation, in a fast and safe way.
This is the main conclusion of the experts at the Cantabria International Conference 'Sea of Innovation' 2010 held in Santander under the organization of Grupo SODERCAN and other entities.
More than 200 scientists and representatives of the main energy companies in the world, have debated for two days the present and the future of marine energy, and especially floating wind, where Cantabria has one of the most advanced projects in the world.
In the opinion of experts, in the field of floating marine energy, we must work on scalable models and with technologies that can be transferred to any country, at any time and anywhere, because every time we are reaching deeper waters and it is in southern Europe where there is room to generate a new industry specialized in floating.
During these two days, topics related to the market situation and the development of the offshore wind energy industry, the projects in the research and development phase on floating platforms, the scientific and technological challenges faced by this sector, the technological complementarity between ocean energy and floating offshore wind energy, have been discussed, key research projects funded by national and/or European funds, and the financial and profitability aspects offered in the short, medium and long term of investments in marine energy.
Accelerating the process of development of these new technologies must be the result of collaboration, of the creation of a 'partnership' that brings together all the agents involved, and especially the manufacturers, the attendees concluded.
From 2015 it will be possible to reduce costs, because there will be more manufacturers that are already taking into account the manufacture of floating turbines; his vision is increasingly proactive: the change is being more than remarkable.
The offshore energy market is an attractive market with a clear positive trend that is quantified in 40 GB installed in 2020.
This figure, which in principle may seem high, is achievable if the pace of annual increases in installed MW remains as it is today.
The key is to maintain the momentum generated and add as many countries and companies as possible to this bet.
This sum of efforts will lead to a reduction in risks, according to the experts gathered in Santander.
Europe, technological leader Europe is a technological leader in the sector, in addition almost all the MW installed in the world are located in our continent.
The first monographic world conference on Floating Marine Energy held in Santander, has brought together speakers of international prestige and attendees from countries such as England, Germany, the United States, Norway, Sweden, Italy, France, Belgium, Denmark, Greece, and of course Spain. (EUROPA PRESS)
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