Posted on December 4, 2010
The Junta de Castilla y León is expected to publish at the end of December the calls for subsidies in terms of energy saving, energy efficiency and renewable energies for next year in the Community.
In the call there will be "important" novelties that will affect the way of processing the application files, according to the information published by the Regional Energy Agency (EREN) on its website.
With regard to energy saving, the actions to be subsidized will be identical to those that have been subsidized in the different energy-consuming sectors (industrial, building, transport, public services, energy transformation and renovation plans, appliances, windows, etc.).
In renewable energies, it will continue to bet on solar energy and the rest of renewable energies, such as biomass, geothermal and small wind, indicated the same sources.
Thus, important novelties reserved for the year 2011 are foreseen, which refer to the way of processing grant applications, which is to give a better and faster service to the citizens and companies of Castilla y León, points out on its website the EREN.
Given the results obtained with the Plan Renove de Ventanas de Castilla y León, which this year 2010 has been processed exclusively through the electronic headquarters of the Junta de Castilla y León (, for the next year the same procedure will be applied in other aids.
Specifically, this system will be established for investments in energy savings in the industrial and building sector, including the energy rating of buildings; a new window renovation plan; another plan to renovate facades and roofs; in subsidies for the acquisition of vehicles of new hybrid technologies, electric, natural gas, LPG, etc., and for investments in the use of solar energy.
This new way of processing grant applications has "very positive consequences", both for the citizen and company and for the Administration itself, he said.
The reason is that this system will allow interaction with the investigating body, in this case the EREN, 24 hours a day every day of the week.
In this way, administrative burdens will be reduced, which will facilitate the presentation of documentation and information, allow the citizen or company to be permanently informed about the progress of their file and above all will considerably reduce the response times for our Administration and the citizen or company.
These novelties will be launched within the framework of the Strategic Plan for Modernization of the Administration of Castilla y León to develop the Strategy for Energy Saving and Efficiency in Spain (PAEE4+), Renewable Energy Plan, both of the IDAE and the Plans, of Energy Saving and Efficiency, of Solar Energy and that of Bioenergy, all of them from Castilla y León. (EUROPA PRESS)
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