Press Release No. 336-10
Cancun, QR., December 02, 2010
• Mexico and the other institutions participating in the D4WCC prepare the proposal to be presented at COP-16: José Luis Luege
• Water, priority theme for action under any climate scenario: Gloria Grandolini
Through the Dialogues for Water and Climate Change (D4WCC), which are developed within the framework of the activities of the 16th Conference of the Parties (COP-16) on Climate Change in Cancun, Quintana Roo, the National Water Commission (Conagua) and partner organizations such as the World Banks (WB) and Inter-American Development Banks (IDB) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF, for its acronym in English), among many others, seek to make the issue of water recurrent in high-level discussions, said José Luis Luege Tamargo, Director General of the agency.
He mentioned that, derived from the work and the participation of experts in the different panels of the D4WCC, a joint proposal is being prepared that they will present in the high-level panel of cop-16, in order to seek and have a space in the final discussions.
"The fact that there is a meeting of scientists, academics, politicians, ministers and heads of state is already a very good sign that we are united and that we are working so that the efforts made so far do not remain in good intentions," he said.
Luege Tamargo recognized the support that the World Bank provides to Mexico, particularly Conagua, not only to visualize water projects and obtain resources and financing lines, but also to establish long-term water policies, such as the 2030 Water Agenda.
At this point, he recalled that Conagua is in the final stage of the integration of the document of the Water Agenda 2030, which will be announced on World Water Day, next March, and whose actions are aimed at four fundamental axes: clean rivers, universal coverage of drinking water supply, basins in balance, and safe settlements against catastrophic flooding.
He pointed out that among the biggest challenges is the recovery of the basins, which is why Conagua promotes actions related to the recharge of aquifers, such as reforestation, soil restoration and the recovery of the forestry vocation of mountains and jungles, among others.
He stressed that one of the most serious challenges that arise in the country in terms of adaptation is the reorganization of the territory, which is related to better planning of urban development, because climate change causes increasingly severe hydrometeorological phenomena, which impact on human settlements located in flood or high-risk areas.
Luege Tamargo said that, after evaluating the programs and actions contemplated by the 2030 Water Agenda, it is considered that it is feasible to achieve the goals set out in this initiative that aims to achieve the country's water sustainability.
For her part, Gloria Grandolini, Director for Mexico and Colombia of the World Bank, emphasized that water is a pillar in development plans and programs in Mexico and one of the priority issues under any climate scenario, which is in line with environmental challenges.
"The Special Climate Change Program recognizes the importance of the water sector in terms of adaptation, and includes goals to strengthen the management of both supply and demand, as well as to increase security in the provision of water in the face of climate change," he said.
He mentioned that Mexico faces situations similar to that of many countries of the American continent regarding vulnerability to climate change, which aggravates situations such as overexploitation and pollution of surface and groundwater, impacting on the availability for different uses. For this reason, he considered it urgent to act to make efficient use of water, mainly in agriculture, and achieve a sustainable integral management of water resources.
He also recognized Mexico's leadership in its convening power in the framework of the Dialogues for Water and Climate Change because it has taken an active participation in the matter and has demonstrated its commitment through international efforts, as well as policies of actions on the national agenda.
Finally, Luege and Grandolini agreed on the importance of seeking a new light with the D4WCC in the management of water resources for adaptation to climate change, since water is a scarce resource with great pressures given its growing demand.
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Authors: Val