The II Conference on City, Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency will analyze whether the regulatory framework established by the European Union and its Member States, from Spain, its Autonomous Communities and its municipalities is being the appropriate channel to promote the incorporation of renewable energies and energy efficiency in cities and in the change of habits in this matter.
These days are organized by the Brial Enática Chair of Renewable Energies of the University of Zaragoza, together with the Ortega Marañón Foundation, and will take place this Wednesday, November 3, and November 17 in Madrid and Zaragoza, respectively, the University of Zaragoza has informed in a statement.
The inauguration will be this Wednesday, at 10.00 am, at the headquarters of the José Ortega y Gasset and Gregorio Marañón Foundation in Madrid. They will be attended by the General Director of Industry and Small and Medium Enterprises of the Government of Aragon, Javier Navarro, and the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Madrid, Arturo Fernández.
Likewise, the director and general secretary of the Ortega-Marañón Foundation, Jesús Sánchez, and the director of the Chair, Ángel Antonio Bayod, will attend.
In Zaragoza, the conference will open on November 17, at 10.00 am, in the Auditorium Building of the University of Zaragoza, with the presence of the President of the Government of Aragon, Marcelino Iglesias, the rector of the University of Zaragoza, Manuel López, and the president of its Social Council, José Luis Marqués.
The University of Zaragoza explained that the main objective of these conferences is "to consolidate itself as a national forum for knowledge, reflection and generation of proposals" in the field of renewable energies and energy efficiency.
This year, the conference incorporates a panel of experiences and good practices from companies and institutions, such as IBM, BSCH, CIRCE, Guardian Grass, Grober, ANEUMLED, IDOM, IMS, ABB, Vestas and the Foundation for the development of new hydrogen technologies in Aragon.
In addition, as an example of energy-efficient and sustainable urban mobility, during the conference one hundred percent electric vehicles will be shown, ceded to the Chair by its collaborators.
The conference is aimed at policy makers of municipalities and autonomous communities, architects, engineers, lawyers, professional associations, associations, NGOs, students, private companies, professionals involved in the development of cities and citizens with an interest in environmental issues and sustainability. Attendance is free, although with limited capacity.
Among the speakers are the vice president of the Renewables Foundation, Fernando Ferrando Vitales; the manager of the National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation (R+D+i), in the area of energy, of the Ministry of Science and Innovation, Jesús Arauzo; and the federal secretary of Environment and Rural Development of the PSOE, Hugo Morán.
Other speakers are the spokesman of the Committee on Industry and Energy of the Popular Party in the Congress of Deputies and university professor, Antonio Erias Rey; the partner in garrigues' Environment area, Santiago Garrido de las Heras; the president of the Association of Renewable Energy Producers (APPA), José María González Vélez.
Also participating will be the director of Electric Energy of the National Energy Commission, Luis Jesús Sánchez de Tembleque; the authors of the white paper on sustainability in Spanish urban planning by the Ministry of Housing, José Fariña Tojo and José María Ezquiaga; and the architect and director of the Urban Rehabilitation and Residential Innovation Projects Area of the Zaragoza Vivienda Municipal Society, Juan Rubio del Val, among others. (EUROPA PRESS)