For the care of the environment there are many philosophies and methods, one of them are the already famous 3R ́s (reduce, reuse and recycle), these terms are directly related to waste management and pollution by garbage, production and transport. However, until now I have not known a concept for the care of the environment that goes further, that creates a general awareness and a sustainable lifestyle. That's why I decided to create it myself. Here it goes.
The 3C's of Environmental Care
The First C: KnowledgeTo take care of the environment you have to learn how to do it properly and the reasons why certain things should be done or not.
For example, you have to know why it is important to separate the garbage, so that the cleaning services can classify and recycle it properly.
You have to know the origin of the products we consume in order to select those that have a lower impact on the environment and a better effect on your health and that of your family.
We must know the effects of the resources we use, water, energy, transport, on the environment, in order to seek and take advantage of those that have a lower impact on the sustainability of our planet.
The Second C: ConstancyFor our actions and efforts to have a positive impact on the environment, there must be perseverance and assiduity. Recycling trash only occasionally will have some benefit, but it won't make a difference.
Having responsible consumption habits should be something that we do every day in all areas of our lives. In the long run, and the more people join, the greater the change that will occur for the benefit of our planet.
The constancy in the care of the environment is like having a plant, it is useless to water it only once, you have to do it continuously so that it survives and blooms.
The Third C: CongruenceCaring for the environment is a habit that should be present in all aspects of your life, no matter who you are with, what you do, or where you go. Environmental awareness and responsibility must be consistent, for example it is not congruent to drive a hybrid car, without at home you forget to separate the garbage.
May all your actions look towards the same path: the protection and care of the environment.
Authors: Val Escobedo