Union Progress and Democracy (UPyD) has proposed the transfer in the Polygon of El Bayo de Ponferrada (León) of 150,000 square meters for the creation of a technological center linked to renewable energies where it is intended that the municipalities of Cubillos del Sil and Ponferrada, the University of León, the Junta de Castilla y León and the Ciudad de la Energía Foundation (Ciuden) participate. as well as a group of private companies with interests in the sector.
The candidate of UPyD to the City Council of Ponferrada, José Manuel Vidal, has unveiled this proposal on Wednesday, with which it is intended to create a "research pole in the design and production of technological components linked to renewable energies" with an investment that could be around 45 million euros.
As he pointed out, "a project of this magnitude in which public administrations and the private sector are involved can give a decisive boost in the consolidation of El Bierzo as a benchmark in the development of renewable energies".
The objective of this project is to centralize the research of new techniques, new designs and the registration of the resulting patents in El Bierzo following the existing research model in other European countries.
In this way, José Manuel Vidal explained that "it would lead to the creation of about 500 direct jobs in the departments of research, development and production, highly qualified jobs, stable and in a sector with an undeniable future".
The intention of this complex is the "ability to develop or design the entire production process of wind towers and solar panels using the most advanced technological methods of the moment, as well as enhance the innovative capacity of the Bercian region".
The candidate for the Cortes, Adrián Álvarez Tascón, as well as José Manuel Vidal have pledged to "fight" to carry out this project and to continue listening to the proposals that are sent to them from the different sectors. (EUROPA PRESS)
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