The Provincial Council of Huesca (DPH), in collaboration with the Research Center for Energy Resources and Consumption of the University of Zaragoza (CIRCE), has closed this Thursday a training session on the integration of renewable energies in the municipalities.
The third vice president of the DPH and deputy of Works and Cooperation, Vicente Juan, has indicated that "we have asked for the collaboration of all to share our proposals, those of the Provincial Council, and those of other administrations to be able to offer municipalities and citizens moderate consumption solutions", explained the third vice president of the institution and deputy of Works and Cooperation, Vincent John.
In recent days, institutional managers and local technical directors, public service companies and protected housing managers from all over Spain have participated in these training sessions, with which it is intended to reach more effective energy policies and thus improve sustainability. Also present were the director of the Energy Efficiency Division of CIRCE, Alfonso Aranda, and the head of Facilities of the Provincial Council, Eva Albert.
Huelva, A Coruña, Murcia, Soria, Teruel, Zaragoza and Huesca have been some of the provinces represented in this working forum, in which topics such as sustainable public procurement procedures, the methodology for developing municipal ordinances or sustainable energy action plans in the municipalities have been discussed.
With this training base, the next task of the participants is to develop a pilot project in their towns, for which they will have the technical support of the Provincial Council of Huesca, in the case of those who belong to the province and circe.
The sessions that have been developed these days are part of a broader project, PATRES, funded by the European Union through the Intelligent Energy Program, and in which 140 municipalities in seven European countries are involved until 2012. The Provincial Council of Huesca is also part of the National Advisory Group, dedicated to detecting the needs in the municipalities in terms of energy management. (EUROPA PRESS)
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