The wind associations of the different autonomous communities, gathered by the Wind Business Association (AEE) to discuss the situation of the sector, have demanded a "greater coherence" between the state regulations and that of the different autonomies.
At the meeting, which was attended by representatives of the wind associations of Andalusia, Asturias, the Canary Islands, Cantabria, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León, Catalonia, Extremadura and Galicia, the attendees also highlighted the urgent approval of a new regulatory framework that gives stability to the sector, as well as the Renewable Energy Plan 2011-2020.
PREPA presented the requests sent by the sector to the Government around this new regulation. The association considers it important that the standard is based on the current system, which "has worked well", and "that it takes into account the differential characteristics of the wind sector and guarantees the reasonable profitability of the projects".
The rest of the associations agreed with this aspect, as well as with the need for the new PER to contain, at least, the same objectives as the Paner sent to Brussels last year, of 35,000 megawatts (MW) of onshore wind and 3,000 MW of offshore wind in 2020.
The sector considers that this objective, despite being "unambitious" in moderating its growth rate compared to that of the last decade, is "reasonable" in the current situation.
As for the lack of coordination between the regulations of the central administration and the autonomic ones, the sector denounces the difficulties it finds to increase its competitiveness in a context in which the autonomies increase the compensation they request via tenders while implementing new fiscal tools, such as the wind canon of Galicia and Castilla-La Mancha.
These new taxes, in the opinion of the wind associations, are unnecessary and "put at risk the attractiveness of investors of the communities that implement them". (EUROPA PRESS)
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