The PP candidate for Mayor of Seville, Juan Ignacio Zoido, has promised to turn the city into "a reference" in the use of renewable energies if he wins in the May elections.
This has been expressed by Zoido during his speech at the Municipal Convention of the PP in Toledo, where he has advocated for the sustainable development of cities and municipalities to contribute to prosperity and a "much healthier" environment.
In the same way, he has highlighted the need to improve the urban landscape, take care of the architectural elements and make "quality" housing as a product of "urban renewal".
Zoido stressed that the mayors of the PP are "superior" to those of the PSOE when trying to achieve energy efficiency, manage urban development with "transparency" and "thinking only about the well-being of citizens".
On the other hand, the 'popular' candidate has stressed that infrastructures must be a "key" element for the competitiveness, growth and economic recovery of municipalities and cities.
That sense, he has affirmed that the Junta de Andalucía has a "great debt" with Seville in terms of communications, and has claimed a complete metro network that vertebre the city.
Likewise, he pointed out that the PP advocates that citizens can freely choose transport, something that, he pointed out, does not happen in Seville because there is no modern and environmentally comparable transport to the rest of the large cities in Europe. (EUROPA PRESS)
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