About thirty municipalities in the province of Huelva will participate in the II Provincial Week of Sustainable Energy, promoted by the Provincial Council of Huelva within the Sustainable Energy for Europe Campaign.
The deputy of Environment and Alternative Energies of the Diputación de Huelva, María José Cortil, explained in a note that this Week, which will be held from March 21 to 27, "aims to raise awareness among citizens in the promotion of energy saving and promotion of renewable energies".
To this end, an intense program of activities will be developed, both by the Provincial Council and by the City Councils that participate in the campaign.
Thus, four regional days will be held in Jabugo, Minas de Riotinto, Alosno and the School Farm of the Diputación de Huelva within the framework of the Sustainable Energy Action Plans (PAES).
In the Regional Day of the Sierra, to be held in Jabugo, energy efficiency in the domestic sector and the promotion of renewable energies in rural areas will be analyzed, while in the day of the Mining Basin, to be held in Minas de Riotinto, energy service companies will be discussed as an opportunity for development in rural areas.
In addition, the promotion of the use of biomass as an energy source and its function as a CO2 sink will be the central theme of the day that will take place at the School Farm, belonging to the county day, and energy saving and opportunities to improve energy efficiency at home will be the theme of the Andévalo regional day that will take place in Alosno.
Also on March 23, 24 and 25, a training course will be held for municipal officials for the development and execution of Sustainable Energy Plans. The course, which will be developed in the premises of the Local Development Area of the Provincial Council, is the result of the collaboration of two European projects of the Intelligent Energy For Europe Program: Patres Project and Energy for Mayors project of which the Diputación de Huelva is a partner entity.
The deputy of Alternative Energies has also assured that other activities that will be carried out are the installation of various Information Points for Citizens, coinciding with the regional days, as well as the distribution of trees to the municipalities interested in carrying out a reforestation in their municipalities. (EUROPA PRESS)
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