Gamesa', as part of its strategy in the offshore wind market, will supply the German group E.ON with an offshore prototype of its 'G11X-5.0 MW' platform, the company said.
In addition, the agreement between the two companies includes the supply of a Gamesa wind turbine 'G128-4.5 MW', which could be expanded to two units, for the E.ON site in Europe. The Spanish company will be responsible for the transport, installation and commissioning of the turbines in 2012.
It will also install 'G9X-2.0 MW' wind turbines, up to a total capacity of more than 30 megawatts (MW), in the wind farm that the German electricity company is building in Alcamo-Sicily (Italy). Gamesa will carry out the transport, installation and commissioning tasks during 2011.
Currently, the company chaired by Jorge Calvet designs and develops two families of offshore turbines (G11X-5.0 MW and G14X, 6-7 MW), based on the proven and validated technologies of the 'G10X-4.5 MW' platform. Prototypes of the 'G11X-5.0 MW' platform will be tested in the last quarter of 2012 and the pre-series will be ready in 2013.
Gamesa's general director of commercial and projects, Javier Perea, said that this agreement with E.ON is "an important support for the company's 'offshore' technological proposal."
Michael Lewis, managing director of E.ON's Europe renewables business, said the agreement allows "to analyze and test a prototype that, although new, is based on technology already tested in the prototypes of the G10X-4.5 MW platform."
Gamesa is working with Northrop Grumman Corporation, an American defense company and the largest shipbuilder in the United States, on the development of the 'G11X-4.5 MW' platform. It is also developing a generation of offshore platforms of greater capacity, the G14X of 6-7 MW of unit power, whose pre-series could be ready in 2014. (EUROPA PRESS)
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