The Government of the Canary Islands, through the Canarian Agency for Research, Innovation and the Information Society (ACIISI) and the Technological Institute of the Canary Islands (ITC), in collaboration with the European Support Network for SMEs, Enterprise Europe Network, has organized the II Interregional Meeting of the INRES project, which is held under the title "Renewable energies in islands, opportunities for international cooperation", which aims to make attendees aware of the opportunities for cooperation in this sector and good practices applied in this area in various European islands.
The meeting, which will be held this Tuesday at the headquarters of the Technological Institute of the Canary Islands (ITC) in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, will be opened by Juan Ruiz Alzola, director of the Canarian Agency for Research, Innovation and the Information Society (ACIISI); Andrea Brito Alayón, Director of Research and Technology at ITC, and Julián Monedero Andrés, Manager of Dobontech and President of the RICAM Cluster.
Representatives of R&D centres and companies from the Canary Islands, Greece and Denmark will meet for this working day, in which they will share guidelines for the development of renewable energies in island areas, the transfer of technology and the promotion of cooperation in this sector.
The launch of this meeting between European regions seeks to promote cooperation mechanisms between administration, research centers and companies for the start of R + D + i projects, which promote the transfer of technology to companies, so that they incorporate it into the market, as well as present a series of successful actions that have been carried out in island environments and that can be examples to follow.
One of the presentations highlighted as a sign of success in the progress towards self-sustainability will be the one that will expose the measures applied in Samso and that have allowed to convert this Danish island into 100% renewable energy.
After the presentations and exchange of knowledge and experiences, the meeting will conclude with a technical visit to different renewable energy facilities in Tenerife.
The European project INRES is coordinated in the Canary Islands by the Canarian Agency for Research, Innovation and the Information Society (ACIISI) and includes among its axes of action the characterization of the state of technology in renewable energies in the three participating island regions; develop and promote a catalogue of good practices and encourage the exchange of experiences and knowledge through networking and the organisation of workshops, and activate a common action plan, which helps to exploit the results obtained by the lines of research through commercial applications, as well as the development of an expansion plan for the renewable energy business sector.
The islands are especially favorable territories for the development of renewable energies, since they have a high energy dependence from abroad, as well as energy systems of reduced size, which fit perfectly with systems with high penetration of renewables.
For this reason, the European Union has maintained, for years, various lines of support for renewable energies on islands, especially to create energy markets increasingly based on alternative sources. One of these programmes to support renewable energies is INRES (Insular Regions Cooperation for Maximising the Environmental and Economic Benefits from the Research in Renewable Energy Sources), in which the Canary Islands, Greece and Denmark participate. (EUROPA PRESS)
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