In A Green Blog, supporting the environment and ecology, we start with the section, "Ecological Holidays" in this section, we will publish everything related to ecological activities that can be done during the holidays.
The main objective is that people from all over the world can know the different types of ecological holidays that can be had, they will agree with migo that there is not only paying for an all-inclusive hotel, there are thousands of eco-tourist activities, recreational parks, and other activities in which you can participate as a volunteer and learn many things about the environment and ecology.
We will inaugurate this section with activities of the Riviera Maya, since the members of Un Blog Verde, currently live in this area, and little by little we have been visiting and knowing all these places of interest, therefore we want to share with all our experiences.
The interesting thing is also that we will not only limit ourselves to sharing personal experiences and the area, there are thousands of other places in Mexico, Central America, South America and the whole world that has this type of activities, if you visit any site related to the environment, do not hesitate to send us your photos and experience about it to be able to publish it. You can send the information using the Send your News section.
Authors: Santiago