If we talk about nocturnal animals, the first thing we think of is bats or an owl, but there are more animals that live practically the same way, some of them already in danger of extinction, are fascinating animals, now we will mention 5 of them that surely we already know but that we did not know were nocturnal animals.
The Snow Leopard
They are felines that are currently in danger of extinction, due to habitat loss, lack of prey, and overhunting, inhabit the snowy mountains of Central Asia, because of their colors they can easily camouflage themselves with snow, they are carnivores and use darkness to hunt sheep, hares, birds and other animals.
The Red Fox
Foxes live in different types of habitats, from forests to deserts, and are very intelligent. At the risk of being hunted by man and wolves, foxes usually hunt by themselves, at night, they feed on small mammals, insects, reptiles, and various types of berries.
The Skunk
Known to be one of the most stinky mammals, skunks are found mainly on the American continent. These nocturnal animals produce a very bad-smelling aerosol that they use to protect themselves from predators. Skunks enjoy a varied diet including rodents, insects, reptiles and all kinds of fruits and plants.
The Hamster
Hamsters spend time burrowing underground during daylight hours to hide from predators. Hamsters feed mainly on fruits, vegetables, nuts and berries, but sometimes eat small insects and worms from nature.
The Margay
The Margay is a spotted cat found predominantly in Central and South America, feeding mainly on small mammals, birds, lizards and tree frogs, although it sometimes eats grass and other plants. Unfortunately the Margay is also an animal that is in danger of extinction.
Authors: Santiago