The Provincial Council of Seville will install solar panels in all its buildings in 2012 and will extend this project to another 350 properties in 70 municipalities of the province in 2013, as announced by the president of the provincial institution, Fernando Rodríguez Villalobos.
In an interview with Europa Press, Villalobos explained that they have already registered the application with the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce to begin with the installation of such photovoltaic power generation systems on the roofs of the headquarters of the Provincial Council, on Menéndez and Pelayo Avenue.
This action would be the first phase of a plan that will continue with the placement of plaques in other provincial buildings, such as the Blanco White or Miraflores complexes. The third phase would take 18 Megawatts (Mw) to 350 municipal buildings in the province.
Specifically, he announced that he is already working with 70 municipalities interested in taking advantage of this project, whose third phase would be launched in 2013, so that the provincial councilor considers that "the next mandate will be that of renewable energies".
Thus, in this sense, he added that in the Sierra Norte negotiations are being held with the private initiative for the installation of a biomass generation plant and in the Sierra Sur a new wind farm will be built in El Madroño. To this will be added the creation of a "complete network of biodiesel dispensers", a project also included in the new Energy Map of the Province of Seville, which is already completed.
In this line, Rodríguez Villalobos has also reported on the elaboration of a new Energy Optimization Plan, given the "resounding success" of the previous one, which will focus on "generating clean energy and savings". (EUROPA PRESS)
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