Lake Nahuel Huapi is one of the largest lakes in Patagonia in Argentina, at the foot of the Andes mountain range, and on its shores rises the city of Bariloche, which is the largest tourist center in Argentina.
The Argentine volcanologist "Gustavo Villarrosa" together with a group of scientists, are investigating a change of coloration registered in the waters of Lake Nahuel Huapi, everything seems to indicate that this sudden change is due to the earthquake of 6.9 degrees on the Richter scale registered last Sunday in the neighboring country Chile.
Villarosa affirms that a similar phenomenon occurred in Lake Huechulafquen, located about 400 kilometers north of Nahuel Huapi, after the earthquake that devastated several populations in southern Chile last February and stressed that studies of these facts are very valuable for volcanology as earthquakes or dispersion of volcanic ash, and also to make forecasts in the future.
In addition, Villarrosa explained to the National Commission of Science and Technology that: "There are layers of thick, fine sediments, of volcanic ash, which before a movement of the ground can enter into suspension and be like this for several days"
Authors: Santiago