The general director of Energy, Antonio Cejalvo, has criticized this Tuesday that the Royal Decree Law 14/2010 for the next three years that limits electricity to bill both new and existing photovoltaic solar installations "will make the owners of the facilities of the Community stop receiving 122 million euros", has informed the Generalitat in a statement.
The general director of Energy has appeared at a press conference with representatives of the Valencian Association of Companies in the Energy Sector (Avaesen), to assess the Royal Decree Law 14/2010 of December 23 of the Government, which establishes urgent measures for the correction of the tariff deficit of the electricity sector.
Cejalvo wanted to express the support of the Valencian Administration to the entrepreneurs of the renewable energy sector since this "hard economic adjustment reduces about 30 percent of the income to which they were entitled for the sale of electricity during the next three years".
As he explained, this situation is especially serious for existing facilities since this decrease in income "can cause their owners to encounter serious problems to cope with the repayment of loans acquired with banks."
On the other hand, he recalled that Royal Decree Law 14/2010 was approved by the Council of Ministers on December 23. Once ratified by Parliament and enters into force, the Director General of Energy has commented that the reduction in revenues "will go from 23.4% to 28.7 percent, depending on the area in which the photovoltaic solar installation is located."
Thus, he explained that the Spanish territory is divided into five zones, according to the hours of solar radiation. The Community is located in most of its territory in zone IV and the southern part of the province of Alicante in zone V, with the maximum hours of sunshine.
The Royal Decree Law limits in general the hours of sun to be invoiced in only 1,250 hours, compared to the previous 1,632 hours for fixed installations in zone IV and 1,753 hours in zone V.
Faced with this situation, Cejalvo has denounced the "asymmetry" of the effects of this measure since they have limited the same number of hours of sunshine to all of Spain, "which means that the owners of photovoltaic installations in regions with high solar radiation, as is the case of the Community, are more harmed than other regions with less sun, such as Galicia".
The Director General of Energy has lamented the "tremendous regulatory instability" suffered by the renewable energy sector since 2008, since successive regulatory changes have twice reduced the sale of the price of electricity by 25 percent each time. "All this will cause the paralysis of the financing of future projects of photovoltaic solar installations," he concluded. (EUROPA PRESS)
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