This is a great time of year to move away from processed, sugar and fat heavy foods, and raise the quality of your meals. I've found that the best way to start is to erase the temptation of food from pantry shelves and fridges and replenish it with what you need to reach your goals. For this here is a list to identify the foods you should eliminate. You can donate the discarded food to a local food pantry that will be happy to pass on to families in need.
1. Pasteurized homogenized milk: Prefers organic milk or soy milk.
2. White Bread: prefer whole wheat and organic bread
3. Vegetable oils: canola oils, and seed mixtures are not very healthy, prefer extra virgin olive oil, sesame oil, coconut oil and grape seed oil.
4. Prepared soups: avoid this type of food as they have a lot of fat and preservatives.
5. Canned soups: Most are full of oils and sodium. Prepare your own healthy, low-calorie soups at home.
6. Peanut butter with additives: with 16 grams of fat per 2 tablespoons plus dangerous partially hydrogenated fats it is better to prepare your own butter by grinding peanuts or other nuts.
7. Breakfast cereals: Prepare your own healthy granola, or buy cereals free of sodium, fat, added sugars and whole grains.
8. Refined white flour: Refined gluten turns into glue in your intestines causing a huge jam. Instead buy whole wheat, spelt, and rice flours or try a gluten-free flour mixture when you make your next batch of pancakes.
9. Processed cheeses: prefer organic cheeses, tofu, artisanal cheeses and goat cheeses.
10. Enriched pasta: It's also refined flour, which means more glue for your intestines. Try whole wheat pasta and brown rice.
11. Coffee: This crop is highly sprayed with toxic pesticides, buy a fertilizer-free brand and make your coffee at home.
12. Chicken Eggs: Start by watching the documentary Food Inc. and you'll understand why buying organic eggs from a local farmer is so much better for your health and the health of laying hens.
13. Frozen dinners: Frozen dinners have many preservatives, unhealthy ingredients, hidden fats and a lot of sodium, plus it will take the same time to prepare a salad and a steak of meat or fish as heating these ugly meals.
14. White sugar and artificial sweeteners: use better honey, organic mascabado, maple syrup, or rice syrup.
Authors: Val