The Renewable Energy Foundation (FER) affirms that "something does not add up and someone has not told the truth" if after the cut in the remuneration to renewable energies it is still necessary an increase in the electricity bill, and recalls that the Government declared last April that renewables were the cause of this increase.
The FER believes that the energy model "hides a great deception from society", since it considers that the rise is due in the first place to the "error of creating and consolidating the tariff deficit" in the legislature of the Popular Party (PP) and "not having the will to correct it" in the years of government of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE).
Secondly, the Foundation considers that basing the energy model on "fossil, expensive and uncontrollable energies" also affects the increase in the price of light. In addition, he emphasizes that "since there are auctions, the price of electricity has always risen", which added to the cost of coal aid and payments for the availability of thermal power plants form the reasons for the increase.
In this sense, the Foundation recalls that the president of the National Competition Commission, Luis Berenguer, has expressed that "the system of price formation in the Spanish electricity pool is a scandal and the energy produced by the amortized plants, such as hydroelectric and some nuclear, means filling the pockets of the electricity companies to the detriment of the price paid by citizens".
Likewise, the president of the FER, Javier García Breva, has said that "we will have to question everyone who speaks in the name of consumer protection, because it is a mere demagogic subterfuge to hide a great deception", since "no measure has yet been taken to address the substance of the problems" and on the contrary, the consumption targets for renewables have been reduced, which in addition, in the opinion of the FER, "are not the problem, but part of the solution".
The Renewables Foundation considers that the increases in electricity, gasoline and gas only reflect the crisis of an energy model that "has forgotten that it had to have passed years ago to another energy culture based on savings, efficiency, lower consumption of fossil fuels and their replacement by renewables".
In addition, he believes that "it is a mistake that has no father" that while the Minister of Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs raised at the last summit in Cancun that Spain supports the European goal of reducing emissions up to 30%, the subcommittee of Congress approved a reduction in the consumption of renewables from 22.7% to 20.8%.
In the opinion of García Breva, the problems of the sector have been "patched by decree", so that "all the problems of energy have been entangled like a snowball that has grown until the financial crisis has demanded the endorsement of the State to place the tariff deficit". (EUROPA PRESS)
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