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Sick Buildings

Edificios Enfermos

Sick Buildings

The metaphor makes sense; however, the building becomes ill and the occupants report the symptoms. Recently, studies on indoor air quality (CAI) in buildings has been a topic discussed and researched intensively. The standards and parameters of the World Health Organization (WHO) and other global organizations respond to this concern.

The walls that protect the occupants of a building are not a barrier against pollution or other problems that have to do with indoor air quality. Buildings harbor a host of problems that afflict physical and mental health


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The metaphor makes sense; however, the building becomes ill and the occupants report the symptoms. Recently, studies on indoor air quality (CAI) in buildings has been a topic discussed and researched intensively. The standards and parameters of the World Health Organization (WHO) and other global organizations respond to this concern.

And yes, it should be worrisome that the place where more than 50 percent of life is uncomfortable and even causes physical health problems and, to the surprise of many, mental health problems. The name given to this phenomenon is also appropriate: Sick Building Syndrome (SEE).

The WHO recognized this condition in the early 1980s and defined it as the "set of diseases caused or stimulated by air pollution in enclosed spaces." He also acknowledged that "poor indoor air quality can pose a health risk to more than half of the world's population."

The Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has indoor air quality included in the top five environmental risks that can harm public health.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recognizes that CAI is a genuine concern for building managers, managers, tenants, and workers because it can impact their health, well-being, comfort, and productivity.

In addition, he agrees that a poor CAI can be harmful to the health of workers and that taking proactive measures to maintain a good CAI is for the benefit of all, according to Puerto Rican Carlos González Boothby, consultant in indoor environmental quality, during his presentation "Medical prescription for a healthy building", given at the XI Ibero-American Congress of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (CIAR), 2011.

Although each building has its particularities, the CAI is the result of the interaction between the location, the climate, the original design of the air conditioning systems and the subsequent changes that this system undergoes; the renovations that are made inside the building; occupational density; the activities carried out within it; sources of contaminants, such as building materials, furniture, photocopiers, printers and other office equipment; external sources, such as vehicular traffic, demolition or construction of surrounding buildings, and the occupants of the building themselves with their perfumes, perspiration, use of aromatic candles, coughing and sneezing, lists Carlos González.

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Studies have recently shown that indoor pollutants are even different from those in the environment. This calls into question that interiors without industrial activity lack to some extent pollutants and that, in the worst case, their composition could be equivalent to that of the outdoors. An example of this is that radon and formaldehyde are almost always inside buildings.

The world health body differentiates in its studies two types of sick building: the one that is temporarily sick, the one that is temporarily sick, \u2012new or newly remodeled buildings\u2012 and the chronically ill ones.

In industrialized countries, a large percentage of poor indoor air quality is attributed to ventilation or air conditioning systems. In underdeveloped countries, the figures are alarming: every year, 1.5 million (mainly young children and the elderly) die from cooking with solid fuels. Millions more people suffer from shortness of breath, eye irritation and chronic respiratory diseases every day.

In addition, indoor air pollution and inefficient domestic power generation practices are a significant obstacle to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (United Nations Human Development Goals). Firewood and charcoal are potentially factors that generate pneumonia and chronic respiratory diseases (Domestic energy and health: Fuels for a better life, from WHO, Eva Rehfuess, coordinator).

How to detect a sick building

The ESS can be identified in several ways: when about 20 percent of occupants of a building report symptoms (mainly with problems in the respiratory system) and doing an analysis with special devices to detect possible degrees of pollution. In addition, some indicators confirm the disease of the property: if the symptoms decrease or disappear when the occupant is in a different place.

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When complaints occur, some questions must be taken into account so that the result is reliable. For example, what are the specific complaints; in which other part(s) of the building are there similar concerns; under what circumstances the problem occurs; when and where it was first detected. Do symptoms cease or subside soon after leaving the building? Have you seen a doctor? What was the diagnosis? (with information from Carlos G. in his presentation "Medical prescription for a healthy building").

Another symptom is poor performance within the site. The University of Berkeley conducted a study to learn about the importance of air quality to generate good working conditions. Performance losses can exceed up to 25 percent.

If there are symptoms, it is necessary to verify the parameters requested by the authorities in charge of these guidelines: the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Office of Occupational Safety and Health and the American Society of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineers (ASHRAE, for its acronym in English), says Carlos González.

An investigation of CAI problems should be carried out through a representative monitoring of the breathable zones (1 to almost 3 meters above the floor and half a meter from the walls).

An analysis of the exterior yields indicators with respect to the interior. In the event that the amount of fungal spores inside is greater than the outer sample, it would be in a position to classify the building as sick; the same in the case of fungi.

Carlos González, specialist in indoor environmental quality


There are guidelines to achieve optimal indoor air quality which, according to the ASHRAE, is that "air which does not contain dangerous concentrations of known pollutants, according to the relevant authorities and to which a substantial majority of the occupants (more than 80 percent) do not express non-conformity" (standard 62-2007), defines the consultant specialist in indoor air quality.

Parameters Relative humidity not greater than 65 percent Temperature between 22 and 24 centigrade Carbon dioxide. The standards recommend a maximum concentration of approximately 1000 PPM, however the consensus of the Air Quality industry is that, if a concentration greater than 800 PPM is reached, proactive measures should be started to improve the ventilation of the area. Carbon monoxide <9 PPM Sulfur Dioxide. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends a limit of 2 PPM for an eight-hour exposure. NIOSH recommends a maximum exposure of 10 PPM. Formaldehyde <0.75 PPM. Particulate PM 10. The Council of Sustainable Buildings (USGBC) sets a maximum concentration of 50 micrograms per cubic meter of air (μg/m3). Note: Particulate can be classified as inhalable less than 10 microns or microns in diameter (PM 10) and respirable less than 5 microns in diameter. Ozone <0.08 PPM Anomie <1.0 PPM Volatile gases = The USGBC sets a maximum concentration of 50 micrograms per diameter. Ozone <0.08 PPM Anomie <1.0 PPM Volatile gases = The USGBC sets a maximum concentration of 50 micrograms per diameter. Ozone <0.08 PPM Anomie <1.0 PPM Volatile gases = The USGBC sets a maximum concentration of 50 micrograms per cubic meter of air (μg/m3).


ASHRAE Standards


ASHRAE 62.1- 2010: Ventilation for acceptable indoor air quality


ASHRAE 55-2004: Thermal environmental conditions for human occupancy


ASHRAE 180-2008: Standardized Practices for the Inspection and Maintenance of HVAC Systems in Commercial Buildings


National Air Duct Cleaners Association Standard


ACR-2006: Evaluation, Cleaning and Restoration of HVAC Systems


Standards for LEED Certification


Other parameters for indoor ambient quality are included in the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification.


Prerequisite 1. Establish minimum indoor air quality performance to increase CAI levels to contribute to occupant comfort and good health (LEED BDC Reference Guide).


Mechanically ventilated spaces. Comply with ASHRAE standards 62.1-2010, 55-2004 and 180-2008.


Naturally ventilated spaces. Comply with standard 62.1-2007.


(a) It mentions that the minimum levels and quantities of ventilation must be specified.


b) It is created to regulate applications in new buildings, improve existing ones and changes in old buildings.


c) Applies to regulate improvements in air quality, in enclosed spaces of buildings already built.


Symptoms and diseases related to indoor air quality Eyes Dryness, itching, stinging, tearing, redness Upper airways Dryness, itching, stinging, nasal congestion, drip, sneezing, sore throat Lungs Chest tightness, choking sensation, wheezing, dry cough Skin Redness, dryness, generalized itching and localized General Headache, weakness, drowsiness, lethargy, difficulty concentrating, irritability, anxiety, nausea, dizziness Most common diseases Hypersensitivity: hypersensitivity pneumonitis, humidifier fever, asthma, rhinitis, dermatitis

Infections: legionellosis, Pontiac fever, tuberculosis, common cold, flu




Towards a healthy building


"Who is the doctor who must cure a sick building?" –\u2012 Carlos González is asked.


—―It is multidisciplinary, but the main one must be a specialist in indoor environmental quality, and [must attend] a certification offered by the Indoor Air Quality Association (the only one that offers a certification in that branch).


The specialist also recommends that when conducting a study or monitoring of interior quality, it should be carried out for a minimum of nine hours so that it is representative of the exposure of the people who occupy the building (offices).


With regard to the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system, the cooling equipment should be checked for the absence of microbial growth and water accumulation in its drip trays, the ventilation units should be checked to verify that they are working properly, as well as the air inlet and return systems should be examined at various points to check their tightness, and the inside of the ducts should be checked sufficiently to confirm that there are no microorganisms.


When using humidifiers, rigorous maintenance, as well as inspection especially, must be given to prevent microorganisms, which can travel through the air conditioner.


In Spain, Fernando Hidalgo created the company Terapia Urbana, which intends to combat ESS. To achieve this, they design and install natural systems, mainly gardens and green roofs. The purpose is to integrate nature into the building. With this system, energy and environmental uses are also obtained.

Recommendations to generate good air quality

1. Ventilation should contribute to air circulation to prevent microorganisms from stagnating

2. That the temperature, humidity, air movement are acceptable to most occupants (80% or more)

3. Mechanical equipment and surfaces must be kept in good sanitary condition

4. Important emission sources are isolated from occupied spaces

5. Sources of pollution are quickly controlled

Other Recommendations Develop proper procedures and have supplies available for spill control Get air out of garbage and chemical storage areas Store chemicals and supplies in sealed, clearly labeled containers Perform good operating and maintenance practices for electronic equipment Encapsulate, shielding, coating, warding or other ways to separate contaminants from contact with people or the environment To inhibit the growth of microorganisms in the air treatment unit, the use of ultraviolet light (radiation) is recommended


Maintenance and construction should be done in a way that minimizes exposure to pollutants (at night, for example)

They come from different places: the occupants, inadequate materials or with technical failures in the construction; work inside; excessive or inappropriate use of normal products (pesticides, disinfectants, cleaning and waxing products); flue gases (from tobacco, kitchens, cafeterias and laboratories); and the conjunction of pollutants from other poorly ventilated areas that diffuses into neighboring areas. Substances that are inside indoor spaces have far fewer opportunities to dilute than those that are in outdoor air due to differences in available air volume.

Regarding biological contamination, they mainly come from stagnant water, from materials impregnated with water and gases and, in many cases, from incorrect maintenance of humidifiers and cooling towers.

The air drags pollutants from far away places to buildings

Tobacco smoke

Tobacco smoke contamination comes from the lateral flow and main flow of exhaled smoke and is generally referred to as "ambient tobacco smoke." Several thousand different components of tobacco smoke have been identified, the individual amounts of which vary depending on the type of cigarette and the conditions of smoke production. The main chemical compounds associated with this smoke are nicotine, nitrosamines, HPA, CO, CO2, NOx, acrolein, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide (Derrick Crump, Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety).


It contains substances that cause allergies in those humans who are susceptible. Good ventilation would help air circulation and pollen from stagnating. The highest concentrations are in the morning, when the plants emit the pollens, and at dusk, since when the air cools the pollen drops to ground level. In industrialized places, the presence is lower than in rural areas due to the barrier effect of buildings and the cale effect, produced by the heat of cement and asphalt that originates updrafts that drag pollen to non-breathable heights.


It reproduces by spores, therefore the transit is simple and they are continuously in the open air and indoors. When the spores are deposited on a wet surface, they grow and feed on the surface to which they are attached.

Environmental factors

The fungus is almost ubiquitous: it can grow on almost any surface or substance as long as there is moisture. There are fungi that can grow on wood, paper, carpets and food.

There are many types of mold, but none will grow without water or moisture. Places that usually are, or that are always damp can be difficult to keep completely mold-free. If there is mold in the shower, or elsewhere in the bathroom, that seems to return, increasing ventilation (activating a fan or opening a window) and cleaning more often usually prevents mold from returning, or at least keeping it to a minimum.


Humidity control.

If mold is a problem, you should clean it up as soon as possible and solve the water problem.

It is important to dry water-damaged places and objects within 24 to 48 hours to prevent mold from growing.

Carbon monoxide

Most accidents caused by carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning occur in homes and are related to our daily activities such as cooking and using heating. Since CO is an "invisible and silent" gas, its characteristics do not allow us, in many cases, to realize the danger it presents, resulting in inhalation poisoning in a matter of minutes.

In fact, CO is the most common cause of death from poisoning in the United States. Unintentional POISONINGS from CO result in 500 deaths and 15,000 emergency room visits each year.

CO is produced every time a fuel such as natural gas, propane gas, gasoline, oil, kerosene, wood or coal is ignited. CO generators include cars, boats, gasoline engines, stoves and heating systems. CO from these sources can accumulate in enclosed or semi-enclosed places.


Radon comes from the natural decay of uranium, which is found in soil, rock and water and rises into the air. It can infiltrate any type of buildings, such as homes, offices and schools, and once it is in them it can reach very high levels.


How does radon get in?

Radon typically rises from the ground into the air and infiltrates homes through cracks and other holes in their foundations. Radon, when trapped in a home, can reach high levels. Any home can have radon problems whether new or old, with or without a basement, is well sealed or has drafts.

The main source of radon problems in homes is that it comes from the soil. Sometimes radon infiltrates homes through well water. Although building materials do not cause radon problems by themselves they can emit radon in some buildings.

Radon enters through:

Cracks in solid floors

Construction joints

Cracks in the walls

Spaces on suspended floors

Spaces around utility pipes

Cavities inside the walls

Water supplies


It is used in plastics, particularly resins, which are typically used as thermal insulators and varnishes. Poor formulation or incorrect curing and temporary degradation are the cause of this contaminant. Formaldehyde can cause airway irritation and allergies and is considered a substance suspected of inducing carcinogenic processes. From 30 PPM formaldehyde can be lethal or fatal.

An important source of formaldehyde in buildings is found in wood chipboards, which contain this gas.


They are arachnids that are particularly associated with dust, but there may be fragments of these microscopic relatives of spiders and their excretion products (feces) in indoor air. The house dust mite, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, is the most important species. Along with its close relatives, it is a major cause of respiratory allergy. It is mainly associated with homes, where it abounds in bedding, but they are also present in upholstered furniture.

There is some evidence to indicate that this furniture can constitute mite niches in offices. Store mites associated with stored food and animal feed, such as Acarus, Glyciphagus and Tyrophagus, can also provide allergenic fragments to indoor air.

Although they are more likely to affect farmers and workers who handle food in bulk, such as D. pteronyssinus, there may be warehouse mites in the dust of buildings, particularly in hot and humid conditions (Brian Flanniga, Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety).

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