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Statute of the Civil Association



Article 1: Name: The Civil Association will be called CIVIL ASSOCIATION OF REFRIGERATORS OF THE PROVINCE OF SANTA FE.

Article 2: Scope of Action: It will have its seat, domicile in the cityad of Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz and as a field of action the province of Santa Fe.

Article 3:Its duration shall be 90 years, counted from the approval of the Statute by the supervisory authority.

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Article 4: The purpose of the civil association of refrigerators of the province of Santa Feshall be to promote and specify theorganic grouping of all those natural persons whose labor and/or commercial activity is relatedto the installation, repair and maintenance of cold, refrigeration and related systems.

For the fulfillment of its object, the association may, among other acts, and without prejudice to its own for the fulfillment of the same:

a) Disseminate, share technical knowledge and conduct training courses among its associates and towards those members of thecommunity interested in learning the trade, aimed at providing a solvent technical training, adequate ecological training and a commensurate training on municipal, provincial, national and international regulations.

b) Seek the establishment and operation of those services that interest its associates.

c) Promote camaraderie solidarity among its partners.

d) Maintain relations with other related entities, both at home and abroad.

e) To carry out or collaborate in events aimed at increasing the general culture of thecommunity and its associates in particular.

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f) Provide job training in arts and trades.

Article 5: PATRIMONY: The Patrimony will be unlimited and will be formed by:

a) The contributions assessed to each category of Associate.

b) Extraordinary and other quotas, which must be set by Assemblies.

c) The Donations and Subsidies that you may receive from the National, Provincial, Municipal State and another National or Foreign Entidad or other Association, as well as Legacies and / or Inheritances that are transferred to you.

d) And of any other entry or lawful entry according to the purpose of the institution and in accordance with the legal nature of the Association.

- Publicidad -

Article 6: OF THE ASSOCIATES: Category Of The Associates. The categories of associates are as follows: HOLDERS and ADHERENTS.

Article 7:are considered within each category:

a) HOLDERS: to be titular associates, it is required to be over 21 years of edad; enjoy a good reputation for not presenting antecedents that threaten morality and good customs. It will also be a requirement to carry out the activityadfrigorista in any of its branches.

b) ADHERENTS: to be an ADHERENT associate, it is required to accept the provisions of these statutes, share the principles of theactivity ad of the association and be willing to collaborate with it. This category also includes all those who wish to start as apprentices in the trade.

Article 8: In both cases, applicants to join as associates must submit the application to the BOARD of Directors endorsed by a titular associate, and their application must be dealt with at the first meeting after its presentation.


The following are the rights of the Titular Associates:

a) Receive a credential that proves their status and category of Associate.

b) Frequent the registered office, making use of all its facilities and services, participate in all the activities scheduled by the entidad, as appropriate.

c) Participate with voice and vote in the assemblies.

(d) To elect and be elected as members of the social organs; when they meet the corresponding seniority, do not register debts with Treasury, and are included in the respective registry.

e) To integrate subcommissions, in case of being elected.

(f) To suggest to the Steering Committee any initiative which it considersbeneficial to the general government.

g) Object in writing, substantiated and in a reserved manner before the Board of Directors, the application for admission of any applicant to Associate.

h) Request the Board of Directors to convene an Extraordinary Assembly, which must be held within 40 days of request.

i) Request the Board of Directors to include certain items on the Agenda of the Ordinary Assembly, provided that the request is made up to 15 days after the end of the annual member year, by a number of members not less than ten percent of those authorized to participate and vote at least.

j) Attend with voice only, to the meetings of the Board of Directors, prior knowledge of it.


The duties of the Titular Associates are the following:

a) Know, respect and comply with the requirements of the Statute, Regulations and resolutions of the Board of Directors and the assemblies.

b) Pay on time the social contributions and contributions resolved in the assemblies as appropriate, as well as the additional ones resulting from the provision of additional services.

c) Ensure, at all times, the prestige and good name of the entity and cooperate with the Board of Directors, in its management for the achievement of social aims and objectives.

d) Maintain within the registered office, and other dependencies of the entidad, and at all times that acts as an associate, an irreproachable dignified conduct, with correct manners and attitudes and using a moderate language in its manifestations towards the other Associates and the Entidad.

e) Communicate changes of address.

Article 11: OF THE ADMISSION OF ASSOCIATES. To be admitted as associates, compliance with the provisions of Articles 7 and 8 of this Statute in accordance with each of the categories of associates is required.

Article 12: The Rights of Adherent Associates are:

a) Be part of the assemblies. They will participate in them with voice but without vote when they have the edad of at least 18 years.

b) They lack the right to be elected to the Board of Directors, to review the minutes of the Board of Directors and assemblies, correspondences and accountingad and all documentation related to the Association, being exclusive of the titular associates.


The rights of the Associates are personal and non-transferable.

Article 14: The Associate who wishes not to continue as such, must inform the Board of Directors, in writing, making known the reasons for his voluntad to separate from the Association.

Article 15: In the event of any violation of the specific requirements in the statute, regulations or non-compliance with the resolutions of the Board of Directors and Assemblies or manifest misconduct of the Associates, the Board of Directors is empowered to apply the following sanctions:

a) WARNING: they consist of a call for attention, through which the Associate will be notified of the fault committed and the possibility of suspending or expelling, in case of recidivism.

b) SUSPENSION: consists of the temporary suspension of the rights of the sanctioned Associate, maintaining the duties. The time of suspension will be decided by the Board of Directors, by virtue of the fault committed and according to the evidence available. This type of sanction will be applied with the utmost prudence.

c) CESANTÍA: It consists of the loss of the status of Associate. It applies in cases of delinquencyad of the associates or when they are declared in preventive bankruptcy or bankruptcy, this sanction will be maintained until the rehabilitation of those so declared.

d) EXPULSION: consists of the definitive loss of the status of Associate, prohibiting the sanctioned from entering and staying at the registered office and other facilities; you will also be required to return your social credential.

The following are grounds for expulsion:

a) Voluntarily failing to comply with the obligations imposed by this Statute, Regulations, Resolutions of Assemblies or Statutory Resolutions taken by the Board of Directors.

(b) To observe immoral conduct.

(c) Have committed serious acts of dishonestyad, deceiving or attempting to deceive the entidad in order to obtain benefits for their own benefit or that of third parties, using their status as an associate or the name of the entidad.

d) Voluntarily harm the entidad, cause serious disorders within it or observe conduct notoriously harmful to social interests.

e) Transgress the fourth article (4°).

For the commission of criminal acts, with a final judicial sentence. Any associate who has been sanctioned, has the right to appeal the sanction to which he would have been subjected, before the first assembly that is held, without admitting clause that matters waiver of judicial jurisdiction. And in addition, that the sanctions will be applied prior to the sanctioned associate so that he can exercise his right of defense.

Article 16: MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION. The Direction, Administration and Legal Representation of the Association for all its acts and within the attributions transferred by these Statutes will be exercised by a BOARD OF DIRECTORS thus integrated: a) A President; (b) A Vice-President; (c) A Registrar; (d) A Treasurer; (e) A Pro-Treasurer; f) and eight Members: four members and four alternates. The alternate members do not make up the Board of Directors, they only make it up when they replace some of the members. The term of office of the positions detailed in this article is established in three (3) years, and may be re-elected without limitation. .

Article 17: OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS The charges are personal andnon-delegable, and must be rendered adhonorem. It establishes the prohibition of receiving any salary or remuneration for the performance of the same or for work or services rendered to the entidad by those who occupy these positions.

Article 18:To be elected Member of the Board of Directors, it is required:

a) Have capacityad to administer.

b) Be over 21 years of age.

c) Be a Titular Associate and be included in the respective register.

d) Not to be in arrears with the Treasury.

(e) Not serving disciplinary sentences.

f) Not to be failed, or civilly bankrupt and not rehabilitated.

(g) Not to be convicted of intentional offences.

h) Not to be disqualified by the autoridad de aplicación or by the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic for the duration of their disqualification.

Article 19: The Board of Directors shall meet at least once a month in Ordinary Session and when it deems appropriate in Extraordinary Session.

Article 20:The Sessions of the governing body shall be validly held with the presence of the mitad plus one of the members that compose it and the resolutions will be adopted by an absolute majority of the members present.

Article 21: Members who without agreed permission miss four consecutive meetings or seven alternate meetings without just cause, shall in fact be separated from their positions, and must be replaced as established in this Statute.

Article 22: The same provisions as those prescribed in Article 15 shall be necessary for the removal of members of the Board of Directors and other authorities who have acted negligently, deficiently or have violated the provisions contained in this Statute.

Article 23: The duties and powers of the Board of Directors are:

a) To comply with and faithfully enforce these Statutes, the Internal Regulations and the Resolutions of the Assemblies. Solve by itself everything that does not oppose them, within the institutional ends .

b) Direct the progress of the institution ensuring its interests, being in charge of the Administration of the Social Assets in accordance with the requirements of this Statute, and must report to the Ordinary General Assembly of its management through the Report and Balance.

c) Determine through the books that establish as mandatory the legal provisions, the progress and the financial status of the Association, being able to add to them everything that it deems necessary and convenient.

d) Print and distribute among the Associates the Annual Report and Balance Sheet, ten days before the date of the Ordinary Assembly in which it will be considered.

e) Convene an Ordinary Assembly when appropriate and an Extraordinary Assembly in accordance with what is regulated in this Statute.

f) Contract and agree with people or Associations to coordinate interests of the Association.

g) Understand in the acceptance of requests for income of the associates, as well as that of the resignations of its Members and of the Associates.

h) Apply the disciplinary measures and penalties established by this Statute in relation to associates.

i) Prepare the Internal Regulations and appoint the necessary personnel determining their salary and their obligations .

j) Establish the Budget of Expenses and Resources.

k) Establish and order the functioning of Commissions and Subcommittees that it deems appropriate and fix their attributions and duties.

(l) Fix additional and extraordinary quotas by reporting thereon to the first Assembly.

m) Perform the acts specified and determined by article 1881 and concordant of the Civil Code, applicable to its legal character and charged with reporting to the first Assembly to be held, except in cases of acquisition, disposal, mortgages and constitution of encumbrances of real estate or movable property of proven and real value in which prior approval by an Assembly will be necessary.

Article 24: OF THE PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT. The duties and powers of the President and Vice-President are:

a) Legally and formally represent the Association, personally assuming such representation, stating in each case the character it has.

b) Publicly represent the Association in all its acts, before the national, provincial, municipal authorities, decentralized entities and any other institution and / or legal entity ofísica.

c) Chair the Assemblies and meetings of the Board of Directors.

d) In the Assemblies may intervene in any discussion for which it must delegate the position to whom it corresponds.  In the event of a tie in the votes, it shall decide to vote again.

e) Convene Assemblies and Board of Directors to meetings, both Ordinary and Extraordinary.

f) Monitor compliance with thestatutes, regulations and resolutions of the Assemblies and Board of Directors.

g) To resolve by itself the urgent issues to be adopted and all kinds of measures that it deems appropriate, with a charge to render an account to the board of directors at its first session.

h) Suspend associated with the same position established in the previous paragraph.

i) Sign with the Secretary and / or Treasurer as appropriate, the documents of the Association, being with them jointly and severally responsible, not with respect to third parties, when it comes to interests for the association.

(j) In fact, it belongs to all the Commissions and Subcommissions.

Article 25: The President and the Vice-President shall last in their duties 3 (three) years. They can be re-elected without limitations.

Rule 26: The Vice-President represents the President at his request or in his absence. In case of acefalía by resignation, death or incapacityad of the president, the position will be covered by the Vice President until the end of the mandate. In the event that the same circumstances occur with the Vice-President as those indicated above, the position shall be filled by the Registrar until the end of the term of office.

Article 27: OF THE SECRETARY. The duties and powers of the Secretary are:

a) Draft and endorse with his signature, together with that of the President, all the Minutes of assembly and of the Board of Directors.

b) Keep the obligatory books or that the Board of Directors establishes additionally for the control of the associates, their cancellations and registrations and any other purpose that is fixed as necessary.

c) Communicate to the Board of Directors in each session about the correspondence both received and sent since the last session.

(d) To represent the President or Vice-President, at their request or in their absence.

Article 28: The Secretary shall remain in office for 3 (three) years, may be re-elected without limitations.

Article 29: In case of acefalía by resignation, death or incapacidad, or by having had to occupy the position of the President, the position of Secretary will be covered until the end of the mandate by the Titular Member, according to the order of his election.

Article 30: OF THE TREASURER AND PRO-TREASURER. The duties and attributions of the Treasurer and Pro-Treasurer are:

a) Receive all the sums of money that for any reason must enter the institution.

b) Deposit the Banks that the Board of Directors determines, the social funds, in the name of theCIVIL ASSOCIATION DEFRIGORISTAS OF THE PROVINCE OF SANTA FEand at the joint order of the President and Treasurer, keeping their duly ordered receipts.

c) Make the payments authorized by the Board of Directors and the routine of the Institution.

d) Close the Balance Sheet on June 30 of each year and submit it to the Board of Directors for treatment.

Article 31: The Treasurer and Pro-Treasurer shall last in their functions 3 (three) exercises. They can be re-elected without limitation.

Article 32: In case of acefalía by resignation, death or incapacidad, the position of Treasurer will be covered until the end of his mandate by the Pro-treasurer. If similar circumstances occur with the Pro-treasurer, the position will be occupied by the Titular Member in accordance with the order of his election.

Article 33: OF THE MEMBERS. The duties and attributions of the Full and Alternate Members are:

a) The titular members can attend the meetings of the Board of Directors with voice and vote; alternates may attend with voice and without vote.

b) Both can be part of the Commissions, Subcommittees and become responsible for the activities entrusted to them by the Board of Directors.

c) And both can collaborate with any activity organized by the Association.

d) The Alternate Members replace the Titular Members in case of absence, in order in which they were appointed.

Article 34: The Members will last in their functions3 (three) exercises, they can be re-elected without limitation.

Article 35: In case of acefalía by resignation, death or incapacidad for having had to assume the position of Secretary or Treasurer; the Alternate Members replace the Titular Members in case of absence by order in which they were appointed.

Article 36: TOTAL ACEFALÍA OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. In case of total resignation of the Board of Directors, the Titular Trustee will take charge, who within 30 (thirty) days must convene an Extraordinary Assembly for the appointment of the same.

Article 37: SUPERVISION OF THE ASSOCIATION. The supervision of the Association will be exercised by the Titular Trustee, appointed by the Assembly. His duration will be 3 (three) years and may be re-elected without limitations. The Assembly must appoint in parallel an Alternate Trustee, being also its duration of 3 (three) exercises, being able to be re-elected without limitations.

Article 38: In order to be appointed Titular Trustee or Alternate, it is necessary to be a Titular Associate and over 21 years of age. Both positions are of a personal nature and non-delegable and they are prohibited from receiving any salary or remuneration for the performance of the same.

Article 39: The duties and attributions of the Titular Syndic are:

a) Supervise the Administration of the Association in everything that refers to finances and examine the books and other documents whenever it deems it convenient and every three months at least.

b) Attend for advisory purposes the meetings of the Board of Directors, advising it on measures that it deems appropriate and opportune for the smooth running of the Association. In all cases it must act in such a way as not to hinder the action of the Steering Committee of any of its members.

c) To rule on the Inventories and Balance Sheets and their correlation with the documentation that gave rise to it.

Article 40: the Alternate Trustee shall replace the Holder in the event of resignation, death, incapacity or absence thereof.

Article 41: OF THE ASSEMBLIES. The Assemblies shall be Ordinary and Extraordinary. Both will be constituted with the assistance of half plus one of the Titular Associates. If after half an hour of the one set for the constitution, that cantidad of Associates present has not been achieved, it will be constituted with any number of Titular Associates present. Once the Assembly has been constituted, no Associate may withdraw without the prior permission of the Presidency.

Article 42: The resolutions adopted will be valid if they are taken by a simple majority of the attending Titular Associates, except for the exceptions indicated in this Statute.

Article 43: No Associate may take the floor without first having requested and obtained it from the President of the Assembly, who shall grant it in order of priorityad.  It will not be granted to discuss among the Associates, and dialogue or interrogations not allowed must be avoided, as well as to depart from the issue that was being discussed, or the use of inconvenient or violating terms of the Regulations or Statute. The insistence on these transgressions will lead to the expulsion of the Associate of the enclosure. The Assembly shall be presided over by the President or, in his absence, by whomever the Assembly designates.

Article 44: When each Assembly is constituted, two of the Titular Associates present to sign the Minutes of the Assembly will be appointed jointly with the President and the Secretary.

Article 45: No matters other than those included in the Agenda may be dealt with. The President of any Assembly shall vote again in the event of a tie. In the event of serious disturbances, it may, by its own authority, adjourn the meeting.

Article 46: Only Associates who have paid the fee corresponding to the previous month in which it is held may attend the Assembly, unless otherwise established by the Board of Directors, for which case they must expressly make it known with the text of the convocation of the Assembly.

Article 47: Because in the Assemblies there is the possibility of the attendance of Titular Associates and Benefactors all with voice but only the Holders with vote, the votes will always be nominative. In the case of matters for which the Civil Code requires full capacityad, the vote shall be exclusive to the Associates who are older than edad.

Article 48: OF THE ORDINARY ASSEMBLIES. The annual financial year will begin on the first day (1st) of the month of July and the closing date of the annual partner year is on June 30 of each year. The Ordinary Assemblies must be held within 120 (one hundred and twenty) days of the closing of the financial year (which is fixed on June 30 (thirty) of each year) and must be cited no less than 30 (thirty) days in advance; the summonses will be made by means of circulars or notices in the newspapers and in the Secretariat, and they must specify the place, day, time and Agenda; the report and Balance Sheet must be attached to the summons, when the Agenda contains its treatment.

Article 49: In the Ordinary Assemblies, the following agenda must be discussed:

a) Treat, approve or reject the Balance Report that the Board of Directors presents for its treatment of each year, as well as the report of the Trustee.

b) In the event of an election, carry out the scrutiny and proclaim the Members who will make up the new Board of Directors, and who will occupy the positions of the Titular and Alternate Trustee.

c) Deal with any other issue on the Agenda.

Article 50:OF THE EXTRAORDINARY ASSEMBLIES. The Extraordinary General Assemblies shall be convened whenever the Board of Directors deems it necessary, or when requested by the Titular Trustee or a minimum of not less than ten percent of the associates with the right to vote; the period for the realization of the same may not exceed 40 days, counting from the date of presentation of the application, otherwise, the Sindicatura will be empowered to make the call and if this is not the case, the applicants may go to the General Inspectorate of Legal Persons for its purposes.

These orders must be made in writing and giving reason for it to the Board of Directors; the orders must be resolved within a period not exceeding 10 days of the presentation of the same.

If it is planned to hold the Ordinary Assembly within a period not exceeding 40 days of the request being made, it will be considered as a request for the inclusion of the topics included in the corresponding Agenda.

For the taking of resolutions of the Assemblies it will be required to obtain the simple majority of the votes of those associated with this right. The Assemblies shall be held validly, even in cases of reform of the statute or regulations and dissolution of the entidad, whatever the number of concurrent associates half an hour after that indicated in the call, if the mitad plus one of the Associates with the right to vote had not already met before.

Article 51: Summonses to Extraordinary Assemblies shall be made by means of Circulars or notices in the newspapers and the Secretariat, and the place, day, time and Agenda must be specified.  The summons must be made with twenty days of anticipation to the date of completion. In the Extraordinary Assemblies, only the issue or items on the Agenda must be dealt with.

Article 52:REFORM OF THE STATUTES. In order to amend this Statute, it will be necessary for the reformto be proposed by the Board of Directors on its own initiative or at the request of the member plus one of the voting Associates.

This Statute or the Regulations may be partially or totally modified if the needs so determine, by the Extraordinary General Assembly of Associates, convened for this purpose, in accordance with the provisions of Article 50 and with the favorable vote of two thirds of the Titular Associates present at the Assembly.

The text of the new Statute, in case of total reform, or of the articles to be modified, in case of partial reform, must be brought to the attention of the associates with the right to vote at least ten days before the date of the realization of the Assembly that will have to deal with them.

Partial or total reforms made to the Social Statute and its Regulations, in order to enter into force, must be previously approved by the General Inspectorate of Legal Entities of the Province of Santa Fe.


In the premises of the Secretariat in a very visible place and twenty days before the Assembly, a copy of the register of Titular Associates in a position to vote will be placed. During this period and up to forty-eight hours before it, the corresponding tachas and claims may be made. The lists will be represented for officialization before the Board of Directors or before the Electoral Board, if applicable, up to five working days before the date of the Assembly.

It will be made official or rejected within 24hours. If the list is observed, it shall have the same period to resolve the objections made through its agent. The official lists must present an original copy of the ballot to be used with its identification, colors and measurements, which will be signed by all its members and representatives as proof of conformityfor integration .

Article 54: To be a candidate to occupy a position in the Board of Directors, it will be required to be a Full Associate and be included in the list of Associates of this category.

Article 55: The scrutinizing board shall be formed by the President of the Assembly and two Titular Associates present at the Assembly and who shall be elected before the election begins.

Article 56: The election shall be by a simple majority of votes counted separately for each office. The issuance of the vote will be secret or public and in this case must be nominative, as established in the call to the respective Assembly.

Article 57: In the event of a tie in the votes of two or more candidates for the same office, the vote must be carried out again, and so on until the tie-breaker occurs; the one with the highest number of votes being elected.

Article 58: Once the electoral act has been completed, the scrutinizing board will proceed to count the votes by preparing a form with definitive results obtained, endorsing them with their signatures. The President of the Assembly, in accordance with this form, shall proceed to proclaim to the elected the elect those who shall take charge immediately after the end of the Assembly.

Article 59: OF THE DISSOLUTION AND LIQUIDATION. The dissolution of the  so-called CIVIL ASSOCIATION OF FRIGORISTAS OF THE PROVINCE OF SANTA FEwill be terminated by an Extraordinary Assembly with the favorable vote of all the Titular Associates present.

Article 60: The liquidation of the Association will be in charge of who at that time occupies the Presidency of the Board of Directors or of whom the Assembly appoints in his replacement. After all the liabilities have been canceled, the remainder must be transferred in full to the Children's Hospital of the city of Santa Fe, entidad non-profit and recognized as exempt from income tax by the AFIP-DGI or another body that in the future replaces it, or at the power of the Nation, Province or Municipality. At the Dissolution Assembly, it shall be determined precisely who shall be the liquidator(s) to transfer the remainder of the liquidation.

Article 61:GENERAL PROVISIONS. The Board of Directors is empowered to issue any regulations and internal provisions it deems appropriate and necessary for the smooth running of the Association, always complying with the provisions of this Statute.

Article 62: All treatment of political and/or partisan issues is eliminated within the Association. It will be calledASOCIACIÓN CIVIL DE FRIGORISTAS DE LAPROVINCIA DE SANTA FEdeclares itself totally disconnected and alien to any political, religious, racial, guild or ideological tendency, being forbidden to its associate members to raise, discuss, comment, consider, resolve, promote, or disseminate questions on the aforementioned topics as well as on issues contrary to morality and good customs; without prejudice to what it considers necessary.


Article 63: The first Board of Directors shall be constituted by those who have assumed the foundation of the Association, all of whom are Full Associates. The appointment of the positions will be made by nominative vote as established as a possibilityad this Statute.

Article 64: The first Directive Commission that is elected to manage by itself or by whoever expressly decides to designate in the same Act of Constitution, before the Authority ad of Control of civil associations of the Province of Santa Fe, isempowered to grant the corresponding LEGAL PERSONHOOD, being empowered to introduce to these Statutes and to the Act in general all the changes and / or modifications that the authorad of Comptroller dictamine.


In accordance with the statutory provisions, the First Directing Committee of the Non-Profit Civil Association and the Common Good is immediately elected: it will be calledTHE CIVIL ASSOCIATION OF REFRIGERATORS OF THE PROVINCE OF SANTA FE.

Once the corresponding vote has been made, the president of the assembly proclaims the effects, thus being formed:

PRESIDENT:SCHEINER, RODOLFO NÉSTOR, DNI N° 10935282, born on 27/04/53, domiciled in Estrada 7595 M11 (EX 9) Dto. 456 of the cityad de SantaFe, refrigerator.

VICE PRESIDENT: FERREYRA RUBÉN MARCELO, DNI N° 7686865, born on 01/12/50, domiciled in Sargento Cabral 591 of the cityad de San Jerónimo Sud, province of Santa Fe, frigorista.

SECRETARY: ANDERSON, DARÍO, DNI N° 16817709, born on 03/10/64, domiciled in Gorostiaga 1550 of the cityad de Santa Fe, frigorista.

TREASURER: GARCÍA, HUGOALBERTO, DNI N° 10714703, born on 29/03/53, domiciled in Pje. Huergo 3325 of the cityad of Santa Fe, refrigerator.

PRO-TREASURER:TRAVERSO, JAVIER ANTONIO, DNI N° 18040845, born on 26/03/66, domiciled in R. Martínez 3017 of the cityad de Santa Fe, frigorista.


CORNELO,SEBASTIÁN IGNACIO, DNI N° 23228377, born on 01/07/73, domiciled in Juan de Garay S/Nº of the localidad de Pozo Borrado, province of Santa Fe, frigorista.

2º RONCHI,PABLO,DNI N° 23814897, born on 15/09/74, domiciled in Gaboto 4750 of the cityaddeSanta Fe, frigorista.

3º TOSCO,MATÍAS ANDRÉS, DNI N° 25685900, born on 03/11/77, domiciled in Dr. Belotti 373 of the localidad of Felicia, province of Santa Fe, refrigerator.

4º DELCASTILLO, JAVIER ANDRÉS, DNI N° 26789288, born on 26/10/78, domiciled in Pavón1975 of the cityad de Santa Fe, frigorista.


OVIEDO,JUAN CARLOS, DNI N° 23559234, born on 09/01/74, domiciled in Europe 7140 Int. 2ºde la ciudad de Santa Fe, frigorista.

2º ROMERO,DIEGO MARTÍN, DNI N° 24995626, born on 20/04/76, domiciled in Juan de Garay 3827 of the cityad de Santa Fe, frigorista.

3º BALBONA,JULIO,DNI N° 14906589, born on 01/09/61, domiciled in Los Nogales 2587 of the city of Santa Fe, refrigerator.

4º GARCÍA,JAVIER,DNI N° 26460780, born on 02/05/78, domiciled in Guido 846 of the cityad de Santa Fe, frigorista.

TITULAR TRUSTEE: ACOSTA, VÍCTOR, DNI N° 14048557, born on 06/11/60, domiciled in Vélez Sarsfield 1751 of the localidad de Santo Tomé, province of Santa Fe, frigorista.

ALTERNATE TRUSTEE: SEQUEYRA, EMILIANOOSVALDO, DNI N° 25721351, born on 12/05/77, domiciled in Peñaloza 7167 PB of the cityad de Santa Fe, refrigerator.

It is established that the registered office of the Association is Calle Estrada 7595 M11 (EX 9) Dto. 456 of the city of Santa Fe, Argentine Republic.

The present resolve to appoint Mr. RODOLFO NÉSTOR SCHEINER, in his capacity as President andDr. Hector Raúl Fernández, lawyer, so that individually or jointly they can act before the State Prosecutor's Office, being able to accept the observations that may be made to amend or draft new articles, make or practice acts and procedures necessary in order to obtain administrative approval and grant legal personality to the entidad. They then affirm their agreement and the meeting is terminated.




  1. SCHEINER, RODOLFO NÉSTOR, DNI N° 10935282, born on 27/04/53, domiciled in Estrada 7595 M11 (EX 9) Dto. 456 of the cityad de Santa Fe, frigorista.
  2. FERREYRA RUBÉN MARCELO, DNI N° 7686865, born on 01/12/50, domiciled in Sargento Cabral 591 of the cityad de San Jerónimo Sud, province of Santa Fe, frigorista.
  3. GARCÍA, HUGOALBERTO, DNI N° 10714703, born on 29/03/53, domiciled in Pje. Huergo 3325 of the cityad of Santa Fe, refrigerator.
  4. TRAVERSO, JAVIER ANTONIO, DNI N° 18040845, born on 26/03/66, domiciled in R. Martínez 3017 of the cityad de Santa Fe, refrigerator.
  5. CORNELO, SEBASTIÁN IGNACIO, DNI N° 23228377, born on 01/07/73, domiciled in Juan de Garay S/Nº de la localidad de Pozo Borrado, province of Santa Fe, frigorista.
  6. RONCHI, PABLO, DNI N° 23814897, born on 15/09/74, domiciled in Gaboto 4750 of the cityad de Santa Fe, refrigerator.
  7. TOSCO, MATÍAS ANDRÉS, DNI N° 25685900, born on 03/11/77, domiciled in Dr. Belotti 373 of the localidad of Felicia, province of Santa Fe, refrigerator.
  8. DEL CASTILLO, JAVIER ANDRÉS, DNI N° 26789288, born on 26/10/78, domiciled in Pavón 1975 of the cityad de Santa Fe, refrigerator.
  9. OVIEDO, JUAN CARLOS, DNI N° 23559234, born on 09/01/74, domiciled in Europe 7140 Int. 2º of the cityad de Santa Fe, frigorista.
  10. ROMERO, DIEGO MARTÍN, DNI N° 24995626, born on 20/04/76, domiciled in Juan de Garay 3827 of the cityad de Santa Fe, frigorista.
  11. ACOSTA, VÍCTOR, DNI N° 14048557, born on 06/11/60, domiciled in Vélez Sarsfield 1751 of the localidad de Santo Tomé, province of Santa Fe, frigorista.
  12. SEQUEYRA, EMILIANOOSVALDO, DNI N° 25721351, born on 12/05/77, domiciled in Peñaloza 7167 PB of the cityad de Santa Fe, refrigerator.
  13. ANDERSON, DARÍO, DNI N° 16817709, born on 03/10/64, domiciled in Gorostiaga 1550 of the cityad de Santa Fe, refrigerator.
  14. BALBONA, JULIO, DNI N° 14906589, born on 01/09/61, domiciled in Los Nogales 2587 of the cityad de Santa Fe, refrigerator.
  15. GARCÍA, JAVIER, DNI N° 26460780, born on 02/05/78, domiciled in Guido 846 of the cityad de Santa Fe, refrigerator.
  16. RAMÍREZ, ALFREDO, DNI N° 20179805, born on 30/03/68, domiciled in Lamadrid 2851 of the cityad de Santa Fe, refrigerator.
  17. VRANCKEN, HUGO LUIS, DNI N° 11758395, born on 15/10/55, domiciled on July 9, 1926 of the cityad de Esperanza, province of Santa Fe, frigorista.
  18. ELÍAS, DANIEL CARLOS, DNI N° 12437765, born on 01/11/70, domiciled in Larrea 1970 of the cityad de Santa Fe, refrigerator.
  19. DÍAZ, RUBÉN CÉSAR, DNI N° 14274748, born on 05/02/61, domiciled on February 3, 1388 of the localidad of Santo Tomé, province of Santa Fe, frigorista.
  20. MARQUEZ, MARIO EDUARDO, DNI N° 10863480, born on 12/11/53, domiciled in Gdor. Leiva 7978 of the cityad de Santa Fe, refrigerator.
  21. MANCUSO, FRANCISCO, DNI N° 22280520, born on 29/11/71, domiciled at Lamothe 2398 of the cityad de Santa Fe, refrigerator.
  22. ÁBALOS, OSCAR, DNI N° 17904437, born on 11/10/66, domiciled in Facundo Quiroga 3409 of the cityad de Santa Fe, refrigerator.
  23. PEROTI, RICARDO DANIEL, DNI N° 14760129, born on 03/12/61, domiciled in Necochea 4832 of the cityad de Santa Fe, refrigerator.
  24. ASNAILLER, LUCASDANIEL, DNI N° 28764120, born on 12/04/81, domiciled in Florencio Fernández 5160 of the cityad de Santa Fe, refrigerator.
  25. RINDISBAGER, JUAN MANUEL, DNI N° 14113522, born on 09/12/60, domiciled in Los Ceibos 10428 of the cityad de Santa Fe, frigorista.
  26. HABASH, OSMAR, DNI N° 17904056, born on 28/11/65, domiciled in Crespo 3769 of the cityad de Santa Fe, refrigerator.
  27. HABASH, YAMILOSMAR, DNI N° 35215074, born on 05/05/90, domiciled in Los Ceibos S/N Zona Norte de la ciudad de Santa Fe, frigorista.

Authors: Solutions in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

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