To be able to face the next steps of the web washing machine, we need certain resources to be able to interact with the database. MySql has a connector for but is not compatible with express versions. For this reason we will use MySqlDriverCs that you can download from here.
To create the code of the web pages, you can use the notepad, but it is appreciated certain aids such as code highlighting and some more aids. In my case for web applications I use Pspad.
As for database management, xammp includes phpMyAdmin that allows you to interact with the database to create users, tables, etc. Anyway I recommend MySqlWorkbench which is much more powerful and friendly (for me). You can download it from here.
Regarding Workbench we have several possibilities, I have marked two. In the first (black arrow) is to install, the second option is not installed. It's the one I use. Download the file, unzip it and save the folder in C/. If we want, we can create a shortcut and put it on the desktop or pin it to the W7 bar.
Authors: David