Many years ago we had been trying.
Today we were able to realize this long-awaited project.
With the collaboration of Dr. Raúl Héctor Fernández, we managed to manage the Legal Personality.
This fact places us above any institution or private chamber.
This fact gives an added value to our craft.
ACFRISA will be responsible for managing and providing support courses.
It will grant Registration. This will be only for "Frigoristas".
To access this, you must demonstrate knowledge and experience in FRIGORISTA.
All those who to date are working, will be able to take an evaluation exam and according to the result; you will be granted a tuition fee.
In this way the veteran refrigerationists, who develop by their empirical knowledge, will be able to continue working (As long as they pass the evaluation positively)
As of 01/01/2011, they will only be able to access the registration; refrigerators graduated from schools (public or private) recognized by the Ministry of Education of the Prov. of Santa Fe.
In this way we do not restrict anyone's freedom of work.
Just as gas and electricians perform to obtain registration. And no one who does not have it can do gas or electricity works.
So if a non-Frigorista wants to work in our trade, he must first graduate with the title frigorista.
In different topics, we will be providing more information.
Reports by:
E-mail [email protected] Frigoristas of the City of Santa Fe and surroundings can consult "PERSONALLY" in Facundo Zuviria 5941 - Santa Fe, from Monday to Friday from 8 to 19.30 Hs (Running hours)From the interior, Telefonicamente to Nº 0342 4891062, from Monday to Friday from 13 to 15.30 Hs.)Authors: Solutions in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning