Terminal 4 and 3 closes with increased temperature
Terminal 3 - 6 opens in the OFF position (C version without auxiliary terminal 6)
Closure with increased temperature and auxiliary switch (terminals 3-6) connected in series with main switch
the current circuit is broken as soon as the temperature control is in the OFF position.
The main feature of the K59 temperature control is the adjustable clipping point through the line shaft and the cut in
point that remains constant in all positions. As this cut at the point is normally in the positive range, automatic thawing-
The compressor shutdown starts during each compressor shutdown period.
In K59 general type is classified into three basic versions:
Version A: as desbribed above
Version B: as previous debribed, but with bellows called heater and so on. It is a metal film resistor (82 k Ω) connected
in parallel with the main switch, which when the main switch is open (compressor stop time), heats the control
the dwelling and the bellows (diaphragm) of the capillary system. In this X-environment the effect (crossing of the themes-
temperature) is avoied in the compressor downtime, i.e. the evaporator thawing period. The heating of the bellows
ensures that the detection de-icing point in the evaporator is the coldest point of the capillary system. Perfect features
Temperature control is guaranteed.
Version C: no heating and no bellows of auxiliary contacts for the output cut.
There is the possibility to choose between the type with wnd that without the OFF position. position OFF means here
manual opening of the main switch 4.3 within a line angle of 45 ° and at the same time mechanical locking.