International. The latest report called Climascopio 2012 presented at the recent meeting of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), held in Montevideo, highlighted Brazil, Nicaragua and Panama as the countries in the region with a more favorable environment to attract energy investments low in greenhouse gas emissions.
The research analyzed 26 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean based on four parameters: business environment, investments in clean energy and financing of low-carbon projects, businesses related to low carbon emissions and clean energy value chains, and greenhouse gas emissions management activities.
The report was attended by the IDB's Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF), prepared in partnership with the clean energy market analysis and information company, Bloomberg New Energy Finance.
In 2011, Latin America attracted only 10% of the $260 million invested globally in new clean energy projects and companies, according to data revealed by Bloomberg New Energy Finance.
"We expect investors and entrepreneurs to use the Climatescope to uncover opportunities where value chains, finances and market conditions combine to reveal new business possibilities," said MIF General Manager Nancy Lee.