Mexico. The Government of Mexico presented a Hydrochlorofluorocarbon Elimination Plan (HCFC) which seeks to dehabit the substance by 2018, HCFC 141 is used in commercial refrigeration and cleaning agents.
Subsequently, the plan will seek to abolish HCFC 22 used mainly in the maintenance of air conditioning equipment, in commercial refrigeration systems and in the transport of refrigerated products. Mauricio Limón Aguirre, Undersecretary of Management for Environmental Protection, said that by the agreed date the use of 351 potential tons of these polluting substances will be eliminated, which will mean a reduction of 30% of the base consumption established for Mexico. Likewise, the undersecretary highlighted the decision of the Executive Committee of the Montreal Protocol that will allow Mexico to present additional projects for the elimination of HCFCs before 2015, in order to achieve greater technical and financial support that allows significant advances to avoid these components. The elimination of these substances represents the total reduction of 4.7 mega tons of carbon dioxide (CO2e) equivalent in the period 2011-2020, which would be similar to the fact that 125,000 vehicles a year stopped circulating in Mexico City in the same period.