Brazil. According to a study conducted by the National Program for the Reduction of Energy Consumption (Procel), Brazilians could save 50% of electricity in new buildings and 30% in those that adapt to the Profel Edifica program that regulates energy efficiency.
According to the Energy Research Company (EPE), in September Brazilians consumed 4.4% more than the same month in 2010, adding a consumption of 36,699 GWh. This growth was reflected throughout the third quarter, which had an average monthly rate of 4.2%.
According to the Southern Brazilian Association of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Heating and Ventilation (ASBRAV), it is necessary to take into account that this index reflects the rise of the less favored classes in Brazil, which with greater purchasing power consume more electricity.
The research ensures that 50% of energy production in the country is not only consumed in the production and maintenance of buildings, but also in artificial systems that provide environmental comfort to those who inhabit or use them for commercial purposes, such as lighting, air conditioning and water heating. The other half is used for other purposes, such as lighting, industrial and food production.