China has just launched in recent days to the market the first air conditioning systems that work based on solar energy, as a power source. In its first stage of launch, some 50,000 units will be put on sale that are destined for the United States where the device that only uses electric current when it considers that renewable energy is insufficient will be marketed.
However, it has been announced that the next air conditioner production lines will be on sale in the producing country, China, until a new product is developed.
The second generation of these devices will contemplate operating only with solar energy, so the Chinese company Gree Electric Appliances will begin with the research and development work of the product in the course of the next month, according to Huang Hui, chief engineer of the firm.
With the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, today one of the most considerable environmental problems for the Asian giant, China has invested in the development of renewable energy projects, which became in 2009 the main producer of turbines for wind energy in the world, in addition to occupying the first place in the manufacture of solar panels in 2008.
Authors: Air Conditioning