Daikin is collaborating with the Entorno Foundation in the development of the ATECOS project (Technical Assistant for Sustainable Construction), an online platform aimed at building professionals (architects, surveyors, engineers, builders, developers, etc.), which was born with the intention of helping them prepare and know the new challenges that energy efficiency presents for the sector. In addition, the end user finds in this platform, a tool of simple use to know better where the new sustainable architecture is headed.
This project, which will be launched in February 2011, is currently at a very advanced stage. At the end of October, the operational model of the web platform was presented, as well as the planning of the contents. For its virtual development, the Entorno Foundation also has the collaboration of researchers from the Foundation of the Autonomous University of Madrid (FUAM) and the software company Miliarium.com to develop this tool.
In the words of Santiago González, Director of the Technical Department of Daikin: "The ATECOS project is an idea that excites all of us who participate in it. We are aware that all the entities that are part of this technical assistance project share the same values and objectives: to contribute to continuous improvement, to respect for the environment, without losing sight of the main issue that concerns us, which is the application of solutions that provide greater energy efficiency to buildings."
In addition to Daikin, other companies such as Acciona, Bancaja Habitat, Cemex, Endesa, Financiera y Minera, Gas Natural Fenosa, Holcim, Knauf Insulation, OHL, Lafarge, Lutron, Rockwool, Solvay and URSA Uralita are participating in this project developed by the Entorno Foundation.
About Daikin
Daikin is currently the leading provider of comprehensive HVAC solutions. As a result of its new diversification strategy more in line with a market in full change, in addition to "Air Conditioning", a market in which it is the undisputed leader, it has expanded its offer penetrating new markets: Heating, Refrigeration and Hydronic Systems. The company began operating in Spain in 1982, responding to the growing demand for high quality air conditioning equipment that occurred both in Europe and in our country. In this time, it has become one of the most important sales subsidiaries of the Japanese firm. Today, Daikin offers a wide coverage of solutions and services throughout the national territory. Nine delegations are responsible for taking their products to any point of the national geography. Daikin Industries is a symbol of cooperation between East and West by serving the needs of our customers through 81 offices and 14 production plants (5 in Japan, 2 in Thailand, 3 in China, 1 in the USA and 3 in Europe).
Authors: Air Conditioning