Despite the care in hygiene and cleanliness, in the facilities of educational centers there are many of the conditions conducive to the proliferation of allergens that can be found, in greater or lesser concentration, suspended in the air. In addition, nurseries and schools become foci of contagion, since a large number of children live in them, in spaces not always well ventilated, with heating and humidity, which multiplies the risks of incubation of viruses and bacteria.
It should be borne in mind that during the school period children spend much of their time in enclosed spaces where, contrary to what is thought, the level of pollution is, in general, 1.5 to 2.5 times higher than outside.
Given this circumstance, it is recommended the use of new technologies in the classrooms of nurseries and centers, which allow you to enjoy clean and pure air, with the appropriate degree of humidity, free of mites, pollen and other allergens and bacteria that may affect the health of the little ones. Daikin, a specialist in the field of air conditioning and air treatment solutions, has developed an innovative range of purifiers that, through innovative technology, purify the environment and eliminate bad odors.
Technology at the service of children's health