The number of commercial companies created in Spain during the month of June 2010 increased by 4.2% compared to the same month in 2009.
In the month of June, 7,140 commercial companies were created, 4.2% more than in the same month of 2009 and 7.4% less than in May of
compared to June of the previous year. The average subscribed capital (51,188 euros) registered a year-on-year decrease of 26.4%.
The number of companies dissolved in June is 1,226, representing a year-on-year increase of 4.6%. Of these, 72.0% did so voluntarily, 9.4% by merger and the remaining 18.6% by other causes.
Of the 7,140 commercial companies created in Spain during the month of June, 98.9% are limited and 1.1% anonymous. Of the 2,631 companies that increase capital, 89.4% are limited and 10.6% anonymous.
In June, the Basque Country had the largest average subscribed capital of the commercial companies created (with 123,786 euros). On the contrary, Cantabria registers the lowest average subscribed capital (7,155 euros). Extremadura has the largest average subscribed capital of the companies that increase capital (6,665,545 euros) and Cantabria the smallest (94,909 euros). Of the total capital subscribed in the creation of commercial companies in June, the Community of Madrid concentrates the highest percentage (45.1%) and Cantabria the lowest (0.2%).
As regards the total capital subscribed by the commercial companies that increase capital,
Community of Madrid accumulates the highest percentage (41.5%) and La Rioja and Cantabria the
lower (both 0.1%).
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Authors: Webmaster