United States. In an agreement of almost two years of development, the International Code Council (ICC) and ASHRAE have signed the final agreement that outlines the roles of each organization in the development and maintenance of the new version of the International Green Construction Code (IgCC) sponsored by the American Institute of Architects (AIA), ASHRAE, ICC, the Society for Lighting Engineering (IES) and the US Green Building Council (USGBC).
The code, scheduled to be released in 2018, will be sponsored by ANSI/ASHRAE/CPI/IES/USGBC standard 189.1, for the design of high-performance buildings, Green Buildings except low-rise residential buildings developed using the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) consensus standards procedure approved by ASHRAE.
The Standing Standards Project Committee 189.1 (SSPC) will serve as a consensus body that will work to ensure that the standard is consistent and coordinated with the ICC Family of Codes.
The ICC will be responsible for Chapter 1, Scope and Administration. For the 2018 IgCC, ICC will coordinate the technical provisions developed by ASHRAE with the provisions of Chapter 1 of the 2015 IgCC. As a result, the 2,016 Group B cycle will not include Chapter 1 of the IGCC for code changes. With the development of the ASHRAE technical provisions, the 2017 Icc Group C cycle to develop the IgCC 2018 has been cancelled.
Part of the process of developing the 2018 technical provisions will include the 2015 IgCC SSPC review and consideration of the contents for inclusion in 189.1-2.017 along with the changes generated by the committee and the proposals submitted by stakeholders. Following the completion of IgCC 2018, Chapter 1 of the IgCC will be developed by ICC using its consensus code development process.