Argentina. In order to support the incorporation of energy efficiency and renewable energy measures, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) will finance with US$14.4 million a project aimed at social housing.
Within the project, 128 prototypes with very low greenhouse gas emissions will be built in the eight bioclimatic areas of Argentina, and renewable energies adapted to the conditions of each climatic zone of the country will also be incorporated.
"This project will allow the establishment of new standards and technical specifications for the construction of energy-efficient social housing. In Latin America and the Caribbean, there is no precedent for actions with this magnitude and scope," said Alberto Levy, IDB project team leader.
After the construction of the houses, monitoring will be carried out for one year, and inspections during the different stages of construction and use of these housing units.
The non-reimbursable financing approved by the IDB has a local counterpart of $70.7 million and a non-reimbursable technical cooperation from the IDB of $1 million.
With information from