Brazil. Abrava (Brazilian Association of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Heating) through Dasol (National Department of Solar Heating) highlighted the benefits of using solar heating, whose low cost of application is three times cheaper than electricity. Solar thermal energy is gaining ground in the "renewable" aspects, contributing to the country's energy matrix, bringing financial savings and a lower environmental impact.
The association ensures that at a cost of less than 1% of the total value of the work, the installation of a solar thermal energy system, which is used to heat water, provides direct savings for the consumer without leaving comfort and well-being. In addition to collaborating for rationalization, solar thermal energy has a cost of R (real) $ 0.13 / kWh against electric power which is R $ 0.39 / kWh, a ratio of 1 to 3. This scenario opens up space for the sustainable market before the energy crisis.
The president of Dasol, Luis Augusto Ferrari Mazzon, believes that solar thermal energy should be part of a basket of energy solutions that the Government will propose. The technology is already present in 1% of the national energy matrix, where thousands of homes and service establishments and industries enjoy and save electricity equivalent (EEE) to 5,404 GWh / year, according to the IEA-2013 (International Energy Agency), an amount higher than the generation of the Angra 1 thermonuclear.
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff publicly acknowledged the importance of the use of solar thermal energy for her country. "There is no reason why we cannot take measures to guarantee best practices in both water saving and the amount of energy in Brazil. Not only because there is a water or energy crisis, it is because Brazil has to incorporate best practices. There is no reason not to adopt solar thermal energy in a sunny country like ours."
As an example of the benefits of replacing the electric shower with solar thermal energy in the heating of bathing water, a residence that consumes on average 270 kWh / month, with the replacement will no longer consume about 70 kWh / month, and in a year will be 840 kWh saved, which corresponds to about R$745.00 / year saved.