International. A very useful document for all engineers involved in the maintenance, design and production sector of the refrigeration sector is now available. This is the ASHRAE Manual - Refrigeration 2014 published in editions of the IP and SI Systems units.
The Manual consisting of 51 chapters includes information on food cooling, freezing and storage, as well as the industrial application of refrigeration and low-temperature refrigeration.
"The 2014 ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook continues to provide the refrigeration technician with the data and information needed for the processing and storage of food and pharmaceuticals, but the Handbook is evolving safely and efficiently," said Dan Dettmers, head of the volume. "With the growing interest in the industry in the category of 'natural' refrigerants, dedicated technical committees have updated the chapters of the Handbook on Carbon Dioxide and Ammonia Refrigeration Systems. These chapters, traditionally focused on industrial systems, are finding new fans in the commercial realm such as zero ozone depletion potential/global warming potential of refrigerants."
The cost of the Manual is US$199 and includes a CD with the versions on the IP and SI systems. Learn more at