Dominican Republic. Brazil will invest about US$2 million in the construction of a modern Vocational Technical Training center in the Dominican Republic, the center contemplates the implementation of laboratories and teaching plans in different areas such as commercial refrigeration, residential and environmental air conditioning.
The Ambassador of the Dominican Republic to Brazil, Dionisio Pérez and Marco Farini, director of the Brazilian Cooperation Agency ABC of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs signed on November 21 the agreement for the construction of the center. "This project will contribute to national development through the training of human resources at a technical-professional level, allowing to directly attack poverty and stimulating social inclusion," said Ambassador Dionis Pérez, after the signing of the agreement.
The center will be built by the Brazilian institution SENAI, with an investment by the Brazilian Cooperation Agency ABC of US$ 2,199,780.56, in a period of about 24 months, starting in the first quarter of 2012.
The signing of this document is part of the Technical Cooperation Program carried out by the Dominican Republic and Brazil, intensified since February 2010, when it definitively entered into force between the two countries.