Mexico. A project called Photovoltaic Parking lots will seek to demonstrate the possibility of producing alternative energy by taking advantage of open spaces, whether public or private.
The plan is being developed by Schneider Electric for an estimated time of two to three years in which they will install solar panels to produce renewable energy in parking lots, shopping centers, residential houses, among other sunny spaces.
The multinational firm has already installed two photovoltaic systems in 470 m2, which will generate 55 kilowatt-hours and reduce annual electricity consumption by 12%. The amount of the investment is about US$300,000 with a return on the total amount estimated in 17 years.
These systems are located in the parking lot of the Rojo Gómez Plant, located in Iztapalapa, Federal District, in order to supply energy to the administrative offices.
With this system, 84,280 kilowatt-hours per year will be generated, which will save 44 tons of CO2, that is, the equivalent of the emissions of 98,000 medium vehicles and 2,165 trees planted.
Sources of the company point out that in Mexico there are about eleven thousand parking lots suitable for generating photovoltaic energy and also that the country has a potential market of about US $ 250 million a year for the installation of this type of systems.