Miami-Latin America. More than 40 years ago, LG's air conditioner division was formed, an area that is now strong in Latin America with the purpose of delivering its products and solutions.
Issam Zebib, director of sales and marketing for LG's Comercial Air Conditioning, says the creation of the company's B2B organization changed the sales focus, moving from an equipment manufacturer to a company focused on all solutions. "This change has made us even more concerned about energy consumption and handling, as well as producing equipment integrated to energy saving and participating in the theme of LEED and green building."
In Latin America, the commercial air conditioning division is present in several countries where it has warehouses focused on equipment created for the commercial and residential sector, including with VRV (Variable Refrigerant Volume) technology.
According to Zebib, the landscape in Latin America has changed in recent years. Every day companies and investors are becoming more concerned about the environment and looking to use refrigerants that do not damage the ozone layer. "For example, the switch to R-410 refrigerant is being made in most nations, even those that have not advanced technologically, and in countries that still use R-22 its implementation will decrease for two reasons: the environmental effect and energy consumption."
Finally, the leader explains that in the case of Venezuela high efficiency equipment is being required, not because of energy costs but because of the shortage of it due to distribution problems, which suggests that in general the trend is to go more and more for high efficiency equipment.
Photo: LG installation at the Justice Center of Chile.