Courses to be taught. Tariffed and subsidized for associates.
Introduction of advance of electronics in refrigeration.
Electronic controllers (Combistatos)
Electronic platelets of refrigerators with freezer and no frost.
Platelets and remote control of Air conditioning
Control, installation and replacement.
The benefits and cons of so-called universal platelets
Practical workshop on its installation and replacement of platelets.
Reports by:
E-mail [email protected] of the City of Santa Fe and surroundings can consult "PERSONALLY" in Facundo Zuviria 5941 - Santa Fe, from Monday to Friday from 8 to 19.30 Hs (Running hours)From the interior, Telephonically to Nº 0342 4891062 , from Monday to Friday from 13 to 15.30 Hs.)Authors: Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Solutions - News