Since last July, ACR Latin America has been available in digital version for all its readers. Among the advantages offered by the tool are that it is free, offers the possibility of several font sizes for better reading, allows you to share and print articles and advance directly to the page of interest. In addition to the benefits noted above, ACR digital allows for easy navigation and timely searches. With this, the magazine aims to take advantage of technological tools to offer a better product.
Max Jaramillo, president of Latinpress Inc, the company that publishes the magazine, said that the reason for releasing the digital version of ACR Latin America was "to expand the audience that can access the magazine's information." In that same sense, he said that a fundamental use of the tool is that it allows users to consult previous versions of the magazine, depending on the reading interests they have at a certain time. "I think the added value is that if a person does not have a specific edition at a certain time, they can make queries without having the magazine in hand. In addition, our advertising clients will have their ads for much longer," Jaramillo added.
As for the specifications of the equipment, the Internet browser is simply required to have flash, although the broadband helps it load more easily. To read the ACR Latin America magazine in its digital version simply enter the website, and in the Reader Services tab choose the Digital Edition option.