In the midst of the consumerist euphoria generated by the appearance of a new device, system or artifact that is conceived as "state-of-the-art", another aspect arises that is what makes this process so diaphanous: new manufacturers and bidders appear willing to satisfy the demand of the dissatisfied buyers, and this in turn leads to the most beautiful of processes: the massification, with the consequent reduction of prices that this implies.
On the other hand, when it is stated that in Latin countries more and more quantities of home automation are being consumed, such a statement based on the experts consulted for this note; According to them, the interest is growing and the same builders are promoting the adaptation of new homes with the latest technology. More specifically, in relation to Colombia, Jorge Giovanetti, application engineer at Bticino, said that more and more projects are being developed in which the same builders take the initiative to use home automation systems, which has generated sustained growth during the last three years. "In Latin America, the presence of several brands, both European and American, is evident, some with support others not. Being concrete, the boom is evident," he explained.
However, the consumption of technology is directly linked to the economic development of nations. Taking into account the above, it is not surprising that in Latin America home automation consumption has stood out in three nations with good financial moments, such as Mexico, Colombia and Chile.
Mexico has traditionally been a nation with high receptivity to automation, which has placed it in a head-to-head with Brazil in terms of technological consumption within Latin countries.
Colombia, on the other hand, comes with a real estate development in full consolidation, in which new constructions, in a large percentage, come equipped with the most modern entertainment systems, and in Chile, from 2005, several companies such as TecHome, BTicino, Entel PCS, Home Control and Secant entered this market, diversifying the incipient offer that existed in southern soil since 1990, the year in which the first applications of this type appeared.