Having the competitive advantage, demonstrating that the work is being done well, having the full confidence of customers, enjoying prestige and national and international positioning, are just some of the benefits of having a quality certification.
by María Cecilia Hernández
Companies in the HVAC and refrigeration industry have a wide range of certifications that they can take advantage of and take advantage of on the way to becoming world-class companies.
From quality certificates for the end user, to environmental records, the accreditations that a company in this area can "hang on its wall" will always add points in its bidding, proposal and contracting processes.
However, for different reasons there are not many companies that embark on a certification process. One of the most important is the lack of commitment on the part of the visible heads of the company. But without a doubt the reason, or the excuse, most used is the lack of time or knowledge on the subject.
Even so, there are still many more benefits that come with assuming a certification process and, obviously, successfully reaching the end of the road.
This was confirmed by Gustavo Adolfo López, account executive of the Colombian Institute of Technical Standards and Certification (ICONTEC) for the south-western regional Colombia, indicating that being certified in a quality standard has advantages at all levels: in the internal procedures of the company, in the change of mentality of the employees and in the image of the company before the client.
"Initially there is a change in the culture of the workers of the organization and this is already a positive element. Achieving this shift in their awareness and in their way of assuming their role and function, in the way they do their work focused on the satisfaction of the end user, is an invaluable success for any company. Everything starts at the base and this is precisely the human resource," said the icontec representative.
López also explained that other advantages associated with certification are: the reduction of reprocesses and the consequent economic waste; the reduction of the margin of products or services that do not meet the quality parameters and, with it, the savings in money that were destined to correct production errors and the gain in satisfaction and perception of customers.
Only advantages
According to James Grisales, administrative manager of the Colombian company Griván Ingeniería S.A., recently certified for three years in the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System, "certifications in general, and specifically the quality management system, are based on the philosophy 'plan, do, verify and act'. There are not many people who apply it strictly, even in their own lives, much less have it as a working principle."
There are many studies that have been carried out on the advantages that the fact of being certified brings to companies, whatever the seal that is chosen. One of them, carried out more than a decade ago by Spanish and American experts, compared for ten years the financial performance of a group of companies certified in the ISO 9000 system against another of companies without certification. The results were evidently more favorable for the organizations of the first group. (ISO Management Systems, July - August 2002).
Mauricio Ospina, manager of Food Products La locura, with ISO 22000 certification, indicated that the change in his company has been radical. "The responsibility when producing food is very high, we must guarantee the best conditions for human consumption through reliable processes both in preparation, refrigeration and product maintenance."
In fact, according to Ospina, one of the critical control points is what has to do with industrial refrigeration. The manager said that being able to count on a certified company that monitors, controls and provides good technical support in that area is a key success factor for their processes.
Likewise, the manager of La locura explained that when he analyzes his company before and after the certification he concludes that they are now much more focused on their customers, "we transmit the security and trust that are so indispensable in a company that produces food."
It's not easy but it's vital
Certification allows wide recognition in the global context and opens the doors to compete advantageously. "What we are looking for in ICONTEC, for example, is to give elements to companies so that they can guarantee to their customers that they are doing things well, that they are able to satisfy them and that they are a world-class company," explained Gustavo Adolfo López.
The official also commented that when an organization initiates a process of this magnitude, its success depends a lot on the commitment that the company's managers have with the management system or with the reference they seek to implement. Depending on the obstacles, this process can take an average of a year and a half.
One of the stumbles that occur most frequently during the search for a certification is the turnover of personnel, this variable does not favor the organization, the adoption of the system and the image of the company.
A very common mistake has to do with the consultancy that the company takes, it is very likely that the person in charge of this is not the right one, nor does he have the necessary skills or experience to advise a project of this magnitude.
Another bad step is the erroneous approach that is sometimes given to the management system, the excessive documentation of processes and the enormous amount of formats, which what it does is fill the company with paper, bureaucracy and unnecessary procedures that delay the operation.
"Getting the certificate is difficult, it's hard work, it's a big sacrifice; there are many hours of work but achieving the goal also entails a great responsibility because it is not simply about hanging a document on the wall but about justifying it every day, to maintain it over time, that is, perhaps, more difficult, but also much more rewarding, "said Mauricio Ospina.
To be certified is to believe and commit
Recently ACR LATINOAMÉRICA attended the delivery of the ISO 9001:2008 certification granted by ICONTEC to the Colombian company Grivan Ingeniería S.A. During the ceremony we talked with some employees and friends of the organization about the change that the company has suffered and the expectations they have with the implementation of the system.
For James Grisales, administrative manager of the company, this standard enables communication between processes and the interaction between employees' skills and competencies, which leads to teamwork, employee satisfaction and conscientious production in the service.
"Since we began our search for certification we have noticed that employees have become participants and protagonists of this process. That is why when obtaining this achievement people feel proud because it is the result of their work, as it will be the result of our work to preserve the certificate, "said Grisales.
Faced with this goal achieved, both managers and employees of Griván agreed that they not only feel satisfaction for being certified and being fully able to compete in the global context, but also an enormous commitment to maintain the seal and continue to grow.
Customers come first
According to Grisales for next year the company expects to be able to operate in its own headquarters and expand the operation, processes and customer catalog, "because this certification is for them, so that our end users feel the confidence of being working hand in hand with a solid and serious company, of world class".
That is a statement that is not doubted by those who have worked for years with this organization. Such is the case of Mauricio Ospina, manager of Food Products La locura, who on behalf of all Grivan customers delivered during the certification event a plaque of thanks and congratulations for the new achievement.
"For us customers, this goal achieved represents the advantage of being able to count on a much more reliable company oriented towards the satisfaction of our needs," explained Ospina.
But the external public is not the only beneficiary when a quality certification is obtained. The people in charge of the operation of the company feel that their work and their working conditions improve and the way they see their functions and their role within the company is projected positively.
This was stated by Eider Chaverra, Grivan's technical supervisor, when explaining that before the certification there was not as much order as now. "For example, until a while ago technicians worked on five orders at a time, now the load is different and much more organized," Chaverra explained.
The employee said that this is an achievement of the company and the entire human group, "this makes us more competitive, makes us as technicians work better and provide better support to customers who are the basis of the company."