However, I would like to take this opportunity to comment on the apparent rise, without a cap, in crude oil prices, a situation that, it continues, will cause a collapse in the world economy, affecting even the CVAC/R industry.
The situation is quite worrying, given that for several months crude oil has been rising, and the long-awaited decline of which international analysts speak as the solution to the economic crisis nothing that occurs. The most serious thing about the matter is the high dependence that the current economy has on this raw material, and although some governments, such as the American one, talk about fuel substitution, investments in ecological alternatives, the truth is that this is still simply a dream.
If this situation continues, we will see increases in the prices of many basic necessities, which is already being seen in the increases in fuels, a fact that in turn will accelerate the rise in the prices of products for the final consumer, since it is demonstrated that manufacturers charge these surcharges to consumers.
Without the spirit of making unofficial criticisms, I think this is the time to make decisions. The planet and the economic systems in which more than six billion people live cannot continue to depend on the wealth of a few; Beyond the fact that my approach will receive any qualifier, I think that the current energy system, where a single alternative monopolizes the market, is very harmful to the interests of all.
The paradox of the current situation is that looking at it with the magnifying glass of logic, everything that happens is the fault of the market itself, which, despite an era of numerous technological advances, could never find an energy substitute for crude oil and its derivatives.
I also believe that this is the moment when the planet needs researchers and scientists to develop real alternatives, far from the demagogic utopias of some presidents. We have to find a way to find life beyond oil.
Until next time.