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New update of the Thermal Installations Regulation - RITE

RITESpain. Since July 1, the new RITE (Thermal Installations Regulation) regulation came into force, where efficient installations and smart buildings are promoted.

The rite update will contribute to achieving the goal of improving energy efficiency by reducing primary energy consumption by 39.5% by 2030. Thus adapting to the new European regulations on energy efficiency.

The RITE will oblige to justify the installation of conventional thermal systems instead of more efficient and sustainable ones, thus promoting the use of energy from renewable sources such as aerothermy and prohibiting the use of fossil fuels.

The new standard requires buildings with high consumption to take the first step to become smart buildings that contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

- Publicidad -

Other news
All buildings of more than 1,000 square meters intended for administrative, commercial, etc. uses must give publicity to customers or users about the energy consumption in those buildings during the last years and the origin of it.

The new standard also introduces digitalization in non-residential buildings with large consumption, that is, with a nominal useful power of air conditioning greater than 290 kW -hotels, shopping centers, etc.- and forces these constructions to take the first step to become smart buildings -smart buildings- thus contributing to the reduction of consumption and emission of greenhouse gases (GHG).

The regime for inspections of thermal installations in buildings is modified and only heating systems and combined heating, ventilation and domestic hot water installations with a nominal useful power greater than 70 kilowatts (kW) will be inspected periodically. Inspections that will also apply to air conditioning systems and combined air conditioning and ventilation installations.

The design temperature of a heating system will be 60ºC of inlet this has an implicit consequence, the use of low temperature radiators and underfloor heating is enhanced and this leads to the increase of aerothermal equipment.

All rite information can be downloaded by clicking here.

Source: GIA Group.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

2 thoughts on “New update of the Thermal Installations Regulation - RITE”

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  1. Roberto Xavier Chonillo Aguilar
    Thursday, 08 July 2021 13:39
    Hola, me podrian indicar como obtengo la ultima actualizacion del RITE?

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